
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Love For Bollywood

 Bollywood has always played an integral part in shaping up my personality. Right from childhood to teenage, I have always been, what some might say, a "Bollywood Baccha". On the occasion of month 10 of #faltufriday I decided, why not write about my VERY big obsession with Bollywood movies :) I was about 4 months old when I heard my first Bollywood song and have been more is less infuriated with🤷🏻‍♀️ My all time favourite movie, throughout my childhood and teenage has definitely got to be "Om Shaanti Om" and songs from "Rang de Basanti". Every time someone would play a song from either of these films(at times even others), you could always see 6 month old me just sitting and grooving with joy :) Anyways, over time this gradually faded out. From the ages of 5-12 I really staged started getting into English Pop Music which then saw its downfall in my music taste graph chart by the time I turned 13. A close relative of mine was getting married and I was to

How to Help Someone Undergoing an Anxiety Attack?

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to yet another post based on anxiety :) If you've read my earlier posts, you may have come across one where I gave a few tips on how one can deal with an anxiety attack when they are alone.  However, I had a lot of people come to me and say, "I don't have anxiety but a friend of mine does and often gets these types of attacks. When they do, I am often unaware on how to comfort them. Do you have any tips?" To answer this question, I decided to write a post on this topic so that in the future if one encounters such a situation, they know how to deal with it and solace the victim. Note: These may not apply to everyone and different people have different coping mechanisms. These are just a few ones which have helped me and a few friends of mine.  One of the most common symptoms that is visible during an anxiety attack is discomfort and difficulty in breathing. One might go through palpitations or problems in breathing-which is something you s

Post Lockdown Anxiety

Hey everyone! Welcome back to yet another post on anxiety :) A lot of you may have seen the coronavirus cases on a rise again and have gotten back into lockdown. Though people are getting vaccinated at a large scale, to control the sudden spread, we all are yet again confined to our homes. This thing may continue for a while; but what happens after that? The world will slowly open up again and it has caused a lot of people to ponder over the thought of getting back together with people and being social. For most teens suffering with social anxiety and other mental health issues, it hasn't been very easy. I recently came across a post on social media which spoke about "Post Lockdown Anxiety" and found out this is a very real thing affecting loads of people; which is why I decided to throw some limelight on it. Without further ado, lets get to it.  "Post Anxiety Lockdown" The term literally   means the anxious feeling one gets once everything goes back to normal.

Mental Health Illnesses=Cool?

  Hey Everyone!! Welcome to Mental Health Awareness Month! So, we all may have a come across with at least one person in our lives who might have used the name of a mental disorder incorrectly. I've had my share too. I have seen a lot of people claim that they are "depressed" or have "anxiety" without really knowing what it is. Took me a while to understand why they said stuff like this, but when found out the reason I was appalled. To look cool, duh "Seriously?!" That was my exact reaction-in every tone imaginable. Sarcastic, shocked, surprised, amazed, aghast and what not! This very encounter is the reason why I chose to write to write on this topic and throw some light on why having a mental illness IS NOT "COOL". For starters, why would you want to diagnose yourself with something you don't have? You wouldn't do that if  it were a physical illness, right? You wouldn't say that you've gotten a fracture when its simply a spr