
Showing posts with the label Myths

Deeper into ADHD

       Heyyo everyone! With the immense amount of love and success on my previous post , a lot of y'all wanted a part II so here we are :)) Aaj ka post is a myth buster where we tackle a few common misconceptions about ADHD. Without further ado, let's get it to it! Starting off, No. Though sugar intake, watching too much TV, and a chaotic family life can worsen symptoms of ADHD, research shows that they cannot actually cause the condition and be the root of it. It's universally known that high consumption of sugar makes one jittery, but it doesn't mean it leads to a mental disorder. So, throw the idea out of the window that ADHD is caused due to the above. Again, absolutely not . The disorder can also affect teens as well as get carried onto adulthood. ADHD in teens and adults is almost always accompanied by other mental illnesses such as tw: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. However, very very few people with the condition seek treatment. Nuh uh. No mental ill

Mental Health Myths

 Hey everyone! Welcome back<3 Today's post is based on an EXTENSIVELY researched one which I've been working on since last year.  Several Instagram questionnaires, talking with professionals to even my own experience around these.    Super hard decision to narrow these down to just top 5, but hey, gonna do a part two soon if y'all want it :) All of us have had various misconceptions about different topics and many of its branches such as Anxiety, OCD , Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc. This post is not gonna cover any particular topic in depth rather the ones we hear in all of our day to day lives, with regards to "Mental Health". Without further ado, let's get to it! We can all agree that we HAVE heard this at least once in our lives. I guarantee you have. It's time we bust this myth hmm? MENTAL DISORDERS AND GOING TO THERAPY DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK. Let's have that cleared out. This is no more true than saying that a broken leg is a sign of weakne

"Facebook Therapy Memes"

  A lot of us may have come across this template also known as 'Facebook memes' on our social media feeds-I did too. It really annoyed me because a lot of people neglect the need to go to actual therapy and seem to 'recover' by looking at such memes. Not to mention, many at times these posts are accompanied with captions impeding therapy and calling it a 'scam'. I took an online poll via my Instagram account and the response was analogous. There were people pro to such kind of memes and on the other hand people who were not so much. It really helped me look at this topic from both the point of views and wanted to discuss whether this is actually a good thing or not which is why I chose to write a post on it. Let's get to it! Out of 100 people voting, the number was an exact 50-50 tie. I also had plenty of people expressing their point of views for their choice in my dm's.  Although a lot of people said was that it was a "coping mechanism" and a

Doctor Google

  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I've been unable to sleep lately  "Insomnia you could catch?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I like cleaning obsessively  "Is it OCD that has hatched?"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I don't like going out at all "Social Anxiety's in your bag"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have It's like two people living in my head "Bipolar disorder, you trash" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I suffer from excessive heavy breathing   "Anxiety, is that what's in your stash?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have  I'm sad 24x7  "Congratulations, with depression you have a match!" Hello Doctor Google Please tell me what I have I get traumatic flashbacks "PTSD, is it that?" Hello Doctor Google Please keep your advice away Give me the closest clinic's number  I need to make sure I'm

Panic Attacks: Myths vs Facts

  Hey! Welcome back! If you guys have been following me since August, you might have seen that a majority of my posts are targeted towards Anxiety and it's repercussions; the main reason is that I see this on a daily basis and its easier to relate. Yet, there's still a lot of misconceptions on various topics that are still prevalent which is why I thought, why not write on this? So, in today's post I'll be debunking top 5 myths on "Panic Attacks" and replacing them with actual facts :) NUMBER ONE: This is one of the most common fallacy that is seen. Panic attacks aren't triggered by certain stressors or situations-they don't always happen before an exam or important event. They can occur when you're having food or watching television or doing literally anything.   NUMBER TWO: When panic strikes, it is common to experience a lack of control and be frightened of losing your mind. You may briefly feel disconnected from yourself and the world around yo

OCD - Myths vs Facts

 There's a common misconception that if you want to meticulously arrange your things, keep your hands clean, or plan out your weekend to the last detail, you are OCD. In fact, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a critical psychiatric condition this is often misunderstood by a lot of people. In my earlier post( Check it out here! ), I spoke about how people seem to "romanticize" OCD and just proclaim having it without knowing what it really is. A lot of you texted me saying that I should do a post on quashing OCD myths so let's get to it :) Number One: A common sign of OCD is an obsession with cleanliness — which includes continuously washing your palms or excessively cleansing household items. But a cleanliness complex can also be a character trait. If it’s a personality trait, you've got got control — you could select to do it or not. If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, you’re doing it out of unrelenting debilitating anxiety. The difference needs to be

Anxious Vs Anxiety

Recently, I came across a post on Instagram which was entitled 'things you do when you have anxiety' and honestly it just irked me so much on how they had gotten the entire concept of it wrong and were spreading the wrong idea.  What the video described was ' being anxious'  and not 'anxiety'  and the entire comments section was flooded with it.  After a couple of days of really thinking it through, I knew I had to write on this because the misconception is still prevalent and NEEDS to be debunked. What is 'Being Anxious' ? You could say its another name for 'stress' or an appropriate response to a stressful situation. It doesn’t manifest often, and it’s suitable to what’s going on. People feel concerned or anxious about some thing, however it passes, and it doesn’t intervene with different areas of life. You get anxious earlier than an crucial examination or an occasion however it would not stick alongside for later; which is the case in havin

Stop "Glorifying" OCD

It's not what we often mistake for it to be. Its not just another term for "organized".  Obsessive and compulsive traits on their own are not a mental illness — we all have things that perhaps we obsess over. But for a person with OCD they can’t just “snap out of it.” .The brain of a person with OCD actually functions differently, essentially getting “stuck” on a thought. These thoughts are linked with intense anxiety driving the individual with OCD to engage in compulsive behaviour which is their only escape. The way OCD is portrayed is the worst. What exactly is "OCD"? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that influences human beings of every age and walks of life, and takes place when someone gets stuck in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that cause intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviours an individual engages in to try to get rid of the obsession

Self Care Myths

  What is Self Care? The definition of 'Self Care' and what it is has often been misunderstood by a lot of people.  It is any activity you deliberately do in order to take care of your emotional and physical well-being.  It's not particularly taking a bath in a bathtub with candles and stuff and neither is it just binging Netflix all day long.   The term Self care has been a misconception which is why I've decided to debunk Top 5 Self Care Myths that have existed but make no sense. Believing that self-care is selfish is a relationally based myth that has roots in idolizing self-sacrifice over caretaking. The words “guilt” and “selfish”  are used synonymously when it comes to self-care. The reality is that we cannot be present for others or ourselves when we don’t take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. To reframe, self-care is really not 100% about you. It is about being able to attend to your needs so you can show up in the best way possible for o