
Showing posts with the label Food

The C² Crisis

Most of us have probably consumed these two products on a weekly basis, if not daily, in our lives. Coffee and Chewing Gum.  It's addiction is more common than you might think. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the effects it has on your physical health, right? But the lesser known fact is, the consumption of this can greatly affect your mental health as well. In today's post we'll be looking at some of the effects it has so without further ado, let's get to it! Coffee. Though research has found that caffeine can certainly help your energy levels and deal with splinting headaches, it has a terrible impact on your stress levels and sleep cycle .  It's addiction is unique. You know you are consuming it in high amounts, however, aren't able to survive the day without one, which may or may not lead to overconsumption of the same. Just a few examples are these: It produces symptoms that can easily be confused with anxiety disorders , such as panic attac


 Hey everyone! Welcome back <3 In last week's post we discussed about a type of eating disorder known as Anorexia. Aaj ke post mey we are going to talk about another type known as Bulimia. This is a kind of eating disorder often glorified in several number of TV shows.  To start off, Bulimia is a serious psychological eating disorder in which one has episodes of consuming a large quantity of food in one sitting aka binge eating. During these binges, one loses their sense of control over their eating. It’s binge eating followed by purging. Purging can occur through forced vomiting, excessive exercise, or by taking laxatives or diuretics, or any other such methods. People with bulimia purge follow a binge-and-removal cycle. Purge behaviours also include other strict methods to maintain weight like fasting, exercise, or extreme dieting. Though their isn't just one particular root cause, researchers believe this eating disorder may begin with dissatisfaction with one's body


 Hey everyone! Welcome back <3 Today's post is based on a topic which I came across from a real life incident. A lot of us may have also heard about it on the TV show , " Never have I ever" too. Before we get started, this post will be solely based on what exactly Anorexia is rather than tips to "overcome" it, because its not that "easy" after all.  So to start off, In layman's terms,  Anorexia is an eating disorder that leads to markedly reduced appetite or a complete aversion to food. People with anorexia constantly try to keep their weight as low as they can by not eating enough food.   The condition, in technical terms called anorexia nervosa, is going well past the boundaries of healthy dieting. Besides excessive dieting, someone with anorexia may additionally do great amounts of exercise, way past the recommended levels. This may also lead them to  being extraordinarily weak and starved. A person with anorexia, however, has a distorted b

The Glorification of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders have often been misperceived which has led to multiple repercussions.  They have been ignored, as well as, misdiagnosed . However, a factor common to both is that it has become a "trend" to have some sort of a disorder-now in the limelight- Eating Disorders . Not only is this wrong, but the reason people endorse in this is because they are unaware of what it actually is. This fad is not good and has to be brought to a full stop; No Mental Disorders are something to be joked about. That being said, to prevent further misconception about this topic, let's clear out What exactly is an "Eating Disorder"? In simple words, it is a serious mental illness, characterised by eating, exercise and body weight or shape becoming an unhealthy lifestyle of someone's life.  One tries using food to manage their feelings. They tend to have an baleful relationship with food. This may be eating too much or too little food. Maybe eating a lot of food in one sitti

Maggi-An emotion

Maggi.  Its not just a food item. Its an emotion. Welcome back to month four of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random and aaj I'm gonna talk about my go to food for literally any situation. Its something I can have anytime, anywhere. And yeh milta bhi har jage hai. Whether its in the heat of Rajasthan or the freezing cold of Switzerland.  This is one standard food which is found in any part of the world and tastes the same everywhere. The variety of dishes you can make with this one simple food is beyond bounds. I, myself can make around 15 different Maggi dishes. And I'm open to more ok. I LOVE experimenting food. The saddest part has to be when it got banned for brief time in India. I vividly remember actually sobbing and looking at people selling the ₹10 packets for 100 bucks and people actually bought it! Nothing beats the feeling when they actually came back to the market and I finally got a packet.  Maggi is something that doesn't have a specific ti

Body Shaming

So I've genuinely lost the number of times I've witnessed this in front of my eyes. It's not something that's been recently started; its been there for long.  And the fact that it's still there- even after everything going on in the world- its just wOw. I mean like what do you get from it? Why do you wanna demean another person for their appearance? Like what happiness does it get you by criticizing another person on the basis of how they look?! What it doesn't match the level of  society's 'perfect body'? "God! They're  so fat. What a pig" or "They're so skinny man. Such a stick."  I've heard these comments no kidding-  Hence, I've decided to play my part in spreading awareness on how to avoid making such comments and why it's hurtful. First to answer the main question- What is Body Shaming? We know the basic definition; commenting something on a persons body in a negative view.  It is indeed another type of b