
Showing posts with the label Social Media

Mental Health Movies: Bollywood Edition

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 29 of #faltufriday and the last one for this year! As many of you are aware, I am HUGE fanatic of movies, and even more of Bollywood.  For this month's Faltu friday, I thought why not cover my two favourite spheres: Bollywood Movies and Mental Health! I'm gonna try my best to keep off spoilers so without further ado, Let's get to it! Firstly, I have no idea why half the people I've spoken to haven't watched this film.  It's an incredibly heartwarming and comedic film with a really good turn of events in the middle.  I'm not that great at critiquing movies, but Sara Ali Khan's acting in this movie was spectacular and Akshay Kumar's role and acting was...epic. Definitely worth a watch - 10/10 would recommend  When we think of movies that involve Mental Health in Bollywood, Dear Zindagi tops the list. Most of us have probably watched this film, but if you haven't, I would recommend you to - it's a really nice

"Bro, Depression Ho Gaya"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back <3 This post is actually inspired from something I saw both online and in real life, and it irked me quite a lot. "Bro, Depression Ho Gaya"   like the tittle says, is something I heard in school. The context being: They didn't do so well in an exam or just think it's funny/relatable.  My main aim in this post is to focus rather on why we should stop just throwing these words around rather than just being an "overreactive advocate" (Yes, people have actually said that to me.) Without further ado, let's get to it.  The Stigma. There's a HUGE stigma surrounding Mental Health globally. People are afraid to open up because of this surrounding layer of apparent shame.  When people use such terms and sentences, they unknowingly add more to the very stigma.  It makes the victim believe as if what they are going through "isn't a big deal" and further burdens them from not opening up about it. Their fears are underm

Peer Pressure

  Hello everyone and welcome back! This is perhaps one of the most common terms we've come across at every stage of our lives - most of us are well acquainted with what it is too. But just for a quick recap, Peer pressure is the kind of social obligation you're bound to perform to fit into a particular group. It may not necessarily be negative at all times, however, when used in context does mostly refer to the same. I'll be discussing about the same in this post so without further ado, let's get to it! I'm sure all of us at some point have had the 'peer pressure talk' with our parents.  We've been warned against drinking before the legal age and smoking cigarettes (at any age) or doing any sort of illegal activities even if a lot of our friends or known people our age do. The fact still lies that most people around the age of 11-13 have a tendency to disobey their parents and just assume whatever their peers are endorsing in as more valuable. T his is o

Social Media: A Reminder

 Hey everyone!  If you're an ardent reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I've authored a few posts based on Social Media and its downsides on our mental health. (if you're not, don't worry, I'll be linking them all at the end!) This led me to thinking, what happens after you address a problem? Yes. You find solutions. So, in today's post I'll be writing about a few ways to combat the toxicity of social media(in a realistic way).  Without further ado, let's get to it :) Number 1 A lot of times, we may have come across posts of people hanging out in big groups and having a lot of fun whereas you're at home studying. Throughout 10th grade I had an excessive feeling of this but then I'd remind myself that my studying is going to get me somewhere. It doesn't mean that having fun is bad, just that I have it scheduled for some other time. Number 2 Reiterating, staring at the fun people are having at a social event you weren't invited to

Cyber Bullying

 Hello everyone and welcome back! I had authored a post titled  Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health!  which led me to ponder over one of the most common ill effects of it - the effect of Cyber Bullying on our mental health. A lot of us are probably well acquainted with the term "Cyber Bullying"; but for some who aren't, here's a basic overview of it: What is Cyber Bullying?  When you google this term, the first sentence that pops up reads, " The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. " In simpler words, a person (mostly adolescents) is bullied, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or targeted in some way by another person. It is similar to real life physical bullying except it is done by both known as well as unknown people on the internet. They tend to name call, troll and threaten the other person.  This brings us to the next, and the most important part of this post,

Video Games and Mental Health

 Hello everyone and welcome back to a fresh new month! Video Games and Mental Health - Are They Related? Perhaps every teen's obsession at some point of their lives was playing these games.  Be it Fortnite, PubG or Minecraft, no one has ever given it a thought if in reality it has any links to your mental health. I was acquainted with this topic during my time at Harvard and thought it would be a great idea to throw some limelight on this topic :) So without further ado, let's get to it! While most parents might argue that the influence of video games has been negative, recent studies show that playing video games in fact has also had a positive impact on a person's mind. A lot of us must be familiar with the fact that it improves hand and eye coordination, helps you focus better and even learn better. But did you know, it also simultaneously increases as well as decreases your social resilience ?  There has been a steep rise in the level of social anxiety sufferers ever

Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health!

 Hi everyone! Welcome backk!! Today's post is one on which I've been meaning to write on for a really long time and finally got the opportunity to.    Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health Perhaps something which we have all heard at some time but blissfully chosen to ignore (I did too eep :p) Until recently, when I deactivated most of my social media due to my exams did I realise the harmful impacts of social media in our lives.  I cannot comprehend into words how relieved I felt those 4 weeks I was away from the media.  Most of us don't understand something until we actually go through it. The amount of FOMO and drama that it feeds you with is unimaginable.  Social Media    fuels the need to present yourself in a particular manner, follow a particular regime, and overall be this " perfect person ". It takes a terrible toll on your mental health, often leading to various repercussions. A few of which include: HORRIBLE amounts of anxiousness Cyberbullying is

The Pressure to be "Perfect"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back :) Today's post is based on something that has become more prevalent than ever nowadays and also one which was HIGHLY requested by you guys!(Thank you so much<3) The pressure to be perfect   - it can be loosely translated into "The Clout of Judgement "  . I think all of us can agree the insistence of having everything "perfect" has significantly increased over the past few years, especially among teenagers. A lot of us have even been through this(guilty :P) Starting off, The 3 P's. Padhai, Popularity and the Perfect Body. 100% in studies and extracurriculars, the biggest and most happening social life ever coupled with having the most ideal body according to society. More often than not, not having even one of them makes one believe that they aren't "good enough" and makes a person susceptible to the fear of judgement. Little is it known that nearly everyone goes through this. The pressure to be a certain way, not

Social Media- A Boon or a Bane?

  Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 8 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random which alot of ya'll might relate to :) Today's post is based on a topic which I'm pretty sure every single one of us has written an essay on or debated upon in school EVERY YEAR! With the academic year coming to an end, due to the pandemic, I don't think most of us wrote an essay on it (for the millionth time) which is why I decided, why not write it on my blog to refresh 'old' memories😂 This is undoubtedly on of the most controversial topics of all time that is similarly cherished and hated relying on the polarizing behaviour. For some, it’s a must and for few, it’s a curse. We all recognise what social media is and the way over the years, with the net being the catalyst, has impacted our daily lives. I for one stand for the fact that social media is a boon; especially during these times. Technology is something that is constantly evolving; every minute somethin