
Showing posts with the label Faltu friday

CS is a Funny Subject

"Ugh I can't solve this right now, I'll do this as homework." The homework: Stuck to the computer, Eye power going up, “Come outside for dinner” 2 minutes hours - Let me just finish this mock-up! Decoding at two in the morning, With a cup of coffee at the side , How did I fall in love with the subject? Okay, I tried! System.out.println(); Or print(‘I’m gonna win’); The inevitable battle between Java and Python, It’s 3am. Why am I hearing a violin? Gah! This code is killing me, I’m just gonna go sleep now. Binary code and The Matrix in my mind, The answer came up in my dream somehow? Hopped on to the computer, Single handedly making the coffee industry a billionaire, Ladies and Gentlemen, she’s solved the code! It’s time to get out of your sleepwear. From “Hello World”, To a 10th grade ‘Tech'- Tac Toe, A 3 line code, Became a kilo. Can’t wait to study this in the future, Probably going to get a lot worse, But Hey! It pays off at the end It makes your brain a lot m

Mental Health Movies: Bollywood Edition

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 29 of #faltufriday and the last one for this year! As many of you are aware, I am HUGE fanatic of movies, and even more of Bollywood.  For this month's Faltu friday, I thought why not cover my two favourite spheres: Bollywood Movies and Mental Health! I'm gonna try my best to keep off spoilers so without further ado, Let's get to it! Firstly, I have no idea why half the people I've spoken to haven't watched this film.  It's an incredibly heartwarming and comedic film with a really good turn of events in the middle.  I'm not that great at critiquing movies, but Sara Ali Khan's acting in this movie was spectacular and Akshay Kumar's role and acting was...epic. Definitely worth a watch - 10/10 would recommend  When we think of movies that involve Mental Health in Bollywood, Dear Zindagi tops the list. Most of us have probably watched this film, but if you haven't, I would recommend you to - it's a really nice

Is OTT killing Big Cinema?

Hello everyone and welcome back to month 28 of #faltufriday! I recently wrote an article for a magazine titled ' Is OTT killing Big Cinema? ' and found this topic really unique.  I've been brought up in a generation where I could observe the shift from mainstream media to OTT platforms so this authoring this article was really fun for me. Disclaimer: It was an argumentative article so what you'll be reading is going to be a one sided argument, nevertheless, feel free to drop in the comments if y'all agree with my pov or otherwise! Without further ado, happy reading! “Change is the only constant” With the onset of Covid, we saw various OTT platforms gaining popularity. With the bad boys in the house - Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+Hotstar dominating the industry, it does make one wonder, are these platforms the future?  Can you name India’s first OTT platform? While most of us may not have heard of it, BigFlix, by Reliance, was India's first. Only that it came

Life of a Probashi Bengali

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to month 26 of #faltufriday! For most of you who don't know me, I am a 'Probashi Bengali', which literally means a Bengali living outside of Bengal in India. I grew up spending my initial years all over the world and finally settled down in India when I turned four. Over the years of growing up, I've experienced a lot of enjoyable moments and had various instances a lot of my fellow probashi Bengali's might relate to, so I figured I'd share a few with you guys :) Without further ado, let's get to a non-stereotypical life of a probashi!  Firstly, Boroline. Boroline is Bengali Bae. Go anywhere in the world, ask any Bengali for a boroline, you can count on them to have one in their bag. Always. Bengali's are not always about 'laal shaada'(Red and White) saari's, they're also about 'laal checked' gamchas(Towel). You will 100% find this in every probashi Bengali household. The endless struggle of choosing

Murder Mysteries and Me :)

 I can't remember a time before I discovered the wonders of spy thrillers and murder mysteries. Ever since my childhood, I have always had a fantasy for crime fiction and detective stories. Be it the brilliant writings of Carolyn Keene in “The Nancy Drew” series, or the amazing direction of Dan Goor in “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”, solving puzzles has always fascinated me. The Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode titled “The Bank Job” is my favourite from the show. It was filled with various instances of thrill and suspense and the ending was absolutely shocking leaving me wanting more. As a person who enjoys problem-solving, this genre has resonated with me. The reason why I love reading as well as watching shows from this category is that it always keeps me on the edge of my seat. Twists and turns, clandestine subplots and innumerable possibilities, all to add up against the one person you suspect the least. The enthralling escapade of reading about one’s imagination and how they bring it to life

10th Grade: The Roller Coaster Year

 Hello everyone and welcome back to month 22 of #faltufriday!! For people who are new here, I recently gave my term 2 of my 10th grade ICSE boards which FINALLY marked the end of an incredibly cosmic roller coaster ride. The past 15 academic months have been absolutely crazy - dealing with online studies and keeping up with the '10th grade pressure', so I thought, why not share my journey now that I'm finally over with them! I'm a science student so my boards ended on the 19th of May, 2022. However, I started preparations for the same, back in March-end, 2021. 15 dreadful yet the most memorable month's of my entire academic journey. About a week after my 9th grade exams had ended was when 10th grade commenced for me. Both school and tuition began and the end goal of 10th Grade was set. The first couple of weeks did seem a bit overwhelming considering the huge pressure and importance that is given to this aspect of your life, however, I dealt with the same soon. One

Caught in the Middle

 Heyy! Welcome back to month 21 of #faltufriday! Aaj ka post is basically based on my life:  The Life of an Ambivert. Most people have a basic idea of what personality traits an extrovert or introvert possesses. But more often than not, people are unaware of the idiosyncrasies of an ambivert. Truth be said, I used to be a SUPER extroverted person in my childhood, a SUPER introverted person until very recently, so trust me, I've seen the best of both worlds but ultimately found my comfort zone in a term known as 'ambivert'. My personality changes from situation to situation- much like most of my ambivert readers might relate to. A lot of people like to describe me as a chameleon because I exhibit exuberance sometimes and sound apathetic at other times and find that “air of mystique” around me. In my personal experience, the moments in which I feel the most 'ambivert-ish' is when it comes to socialising. Spending time with others can be both extremely energising as we

Naina and I are alike

As almost everyone knows, Bollywood has always played an integral part in shaping my personality. Right from childhood to teenage, the one nickname I was known for was “The Bollywood Girl”. I have watched several films featuring various unique characters, however, there is only one with which I truly connected with - Naina Talwar, from the movie, “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani”. Naina and I are similar in ways more than one. She is introduced in the movie as an introverted outcast, a quiet girl who is an aspiring doctor, a software engineer in my case. Throughout her schooling years, she is described as the silent damsel, and has been given the quirky trait of a scholar. Often teased as a “chasmish”, these are just a few instances which make me alike her.  As someone who got past her reservations and shyness to embrace every moment and become an independent, confident individual, Naina taught me a lot. Her wholesome advice at challenging times, “Thora time do, sab theek ho jayega ” is a mott

The Wordle Craze

 Hello! Most of us have probably been familiarised with the new trend of 'Wordle'. Wordle is a web-based word game developed by Josh Wardle. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word. Though the idea seems rather simple, it has surely lured a lot of its users into some sort of addiction whereby they make sure not to miss out on the daily challenge. It has also recently been bought by The New York Times and has a special touch to it. The question arises, How did they do it? The answer is simple. Simple interface. Simple concept. Simple words(but, a tough nut to crack). As mentioned above, you get six chances to guess a random 5 letter word however, every time you get an alphabet correct, it turns yellow for 'right letter, wrong place' and green for 'right letter, right place.' A key point to notice in this is it provides only one word each day. It is common to all and pushes people to their level best to crack open the nut and solve the word in the l

Why 'Brooklyn Nine Nine' Is Your Ultimate Binge

 Heyyo everybody! Welcome back to month 18 of #faltufriday! Brooklyn Nine Nine. A show that I've watched over nine (million) times :P Anyone who knows me, would describe me as an absolute fanatic of watching TV shows; but, there are a few which are very close to me-which include 'Friends' and 'Brooklyn Nine Nine'(and many more) There's a gazillion reasons why I love watching this one particular TV serial over and over again; and also recommending it to EVERY SINGLE PERSON EVER.  This led me to decide, why not share my crazy obsession about it with the whole world? So without further ado, lets get to it! For anyone who is unaware of what the show is about, its basically a cop comedy featuring various aspects and stories from a closely knit squad of the NYPD in the 99th precinct.  Besides the 'die hard' fan of Die Hard, the protagonist Jake Peralta, being my favourite character, there are numerous reasons why I'm in LOVE with the show. Here's just

2021-A Thrilling Escapade

 HEY EVERYONE! WELCOME BACK TO THE LAST POST OF THE YEAR!! 2021 has been one of the most enthralling year for the 'Damselz-in-Sanity's family.  Today's post is based on the biggest milestone's we have achieved over this year- every month! Without further ado, let's get to it :) JANUARY A low-key month, starting off with the year. Gradually gaining a lot of popularity and audience midway, and publishing my very own pieces of photography. Best post of the month: Aeipathy FEBRUARY Things took off.  All of the posts went viral and brought in SO MANY new readers. My dm's were flooded with praises of all of the post-cried at most of them cause they were so sweet-knew that my posts started to influence people in the positive way and, published my very first poem. Best post of the month: Procrastination MARCH A small bump in a highway of success. Though a lot of popularity as compared to the previous month wasn't gained, it marked the end of hiccups. Why? Keep readi

Mental Health Movies

 Hii! Welcome back to month 16 of #faltufriday!  Being an avid T.V. watcher I have always loved consuming content in the form of movies and T.V. Shows.  Couple of months ago, I had written on recommendations of my favourite T.V. shows which recently gave me rise to an idea; why not share my favourite movies too?  So, in that case, here are my "most loved" and go-to movies on Mental Health which I can watch innumerable number of times and never get bored of :) Number One: Charlie, a 15-year-old introvert, enters high school and is nervous about his new life. When he befriends his seniors, he learns to cope with his friend's demise and his tumultuous past. The reason I like this film is because it looks at the reality of mental illness among high school students. This film suggests the grim reality of living through a mental illness and having to deal with people who do not understand or care to understand. This film “normalizes” what Charlie is going through and shows him

The Queen Of Silly Mistakes :)

   Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 15 of #faltufriday! For today's post I thought, why not write about something that more or less DEFINES me? If you're my pedagogue reading this, you have to agree that 90% of my papers are full of this 🤷🏻‍♀️  " The Queen of Silly Mistakes " is a title my mom had given me in 5th grade.  Nearly every single paper I've written till date and not scored full in, I have lost due to the most foolish mistakes ever! One instance was when I almost scored full in a math exam, but lost it as I wrote two numbers closely and ended up copying the wrong answer in my final statement🤦‍♀️ Another time I lost marks was when I ended up writing 9 instead of 19 and when I wrote a wrong unit for 3 questions and lost 2 marks 👍😃 These are just a few! Anyone going through my papers will just be straight up appalled. It's really embarrassing when you know the answer but end up losing it due to the absolute silliest of errors. Not to forget how


  Heyyo everyone! Welcome back to Month 14 of #faltufriday! As the title of this post suggested, YES I GOT INTERVIEWED!! (I'll be dropping the link to it at the end of the post so don't forget to check it out!) Milestones right?? :) Anyway, today's post is basically on my entire experience so enjoy!! Being a Mental Health blogger I recently volunteered to give a talk to aspiring bloggers and fellow teens on a talk show known as ' The Achievers Table ' The Achiever's Table is a Forum made keeping in mind the young and aspiring teenagers who have the urge to achieve success in life. The show helps today’s youth have a broader idea of conventional and unconventional career paths, expanding their horizons into the “real world” and much more! It also enables the aspiring section of the society to come out of their shells and meet more like-minded people. They aim to motivate our society’s young and aspirational section to think out of the box fearlessly. So here go


(Yes that's me)  HEY EVERYONE! Welcome back to Month 13 of #faltufriday! Today's post is a special one as the 'Damselz-in-sanity' family completes ONE WHOLE YEAR!! It has been an absolutely thrilling and amazing year and I can't seem to thank y'all enough for it. From where we started to where we have reached, the response has been massive.  I never knew blogging would spark such a keen interest in my life but the support that you all have given me <<3 As I promised, today's post is a special Q&A post where I answer your most requested questions :) Without further ado, let's get to it! I've always been a person who enjoys doing something out of the box. For me, being an Instagram influencer or youtuber never really "clicked". To be honest, I didn't even know google had it's own very well equipped blogging platform. I was bored during online school and decided to go the various products that google offered when I came acros