
Showing posts with the label OCD

Deeper into ADHD

       Heyyo everyone! With the immense amount of love and success on my previous post , a lot of y'all wanted a part II so here we are :)) Aaj ka post is a myth buster where we tackle a few common misconceptions about ADHD. Without further ado, let's get it to it! Starting off, No. Though sugar intake, watching too much TV, and a chaotic family life can worsen symptoms of ADHD, research shows that they cannot actually cause the condition and be the root of it. It's universally known that high consumption of sugar makes one jittery, but it doesn't mean it leads to a mental disorder. So, throw the idea out of the window that ADHD is caused due to the above. Again, absolutely not . The disorder can also affect teens as well as get carried onto adulthood. ADHD in teens and adults is almost always accompanied by other mental illnesses such as tw: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. However, very very few people with the condition seek treatment. Nuh uh. No mental ill

Support Groups

 Hello everyone! Welcome back <3 Today's post is based on something that is a bit unknown to some of us.  Support groups! Now a lot of us have heard about the term " therapy ", right? This is related to that.  Now explicitly speaking, the term Support groups' meaning is pretty straightforward. It's a meeting of a group of people, who have been through similar experiences, to provide help and companionship to one another. A primary distinguishing feature of support groups is that most times, a professional is present who doesn't share the problem of members and helps supervise the meeting. Are they really helpful though? Support groups have had a significant growth over the past few years and a lot of them have showed a positive result. I for one do believe that these are helpful. Let me draw you an example: Most of us are friends with people we share some common interests. We have topics of conversations and debates but there is always some subjects we don&

Doctor Google

  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I've been unable to sleep lately  "Insomnia you could catch?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I like cleaning obsessively  "Is it OCD that has hatched?"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I don't like going out at all "Social Anxiety's in your bag"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have It's like two people living in my head "Bipolar disorder, you trash" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I suffer from excessive heavy breathing   "Anxiety, is that what's in your stash?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have  I'm sad 24x7  "Congratulations, with depression you have a match!" Hello Doctor Google Please tell me what I have I get traumatic flashbacks "PTSD, is it that?" Hello Doctor Google Please keep your advice away Give me the closest clinic's number  I need to make sure I'm

OCD - Myths vs Facts

 There's a common misconception that if you want to meticulously arrange your things, keep your hands clean, or plan out your weekend to the last detail, you are OCD. In fact, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a critical psychiatric condition this is often misunderstood by a lot of people. In my earlier post( Check it out here! ), I spoke about how people seem to "romanticize" OCD and just proclaim having it without knowing what it really is. A lot of you texted me saying that I should do a post on quashing OCD myths so let's get to it :) Number One: A common sign of OCD is an obsession with cleanliness — which includes continuously washing your palms or excessively cleansing household items. But a cleanliness complex can also be a character trait. If it’s a personality trait, you've got got control — you could select to do it or not. If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, you’re doing it out of unrelenting debilitating anxiety. The difference needs to be


Okay, I cannot begin to explain how long the stigma around mental illness has stuck around and how freaking annoying it is.  Very few people genuinely want to take this topic seriously and that's why it is neglected so much.  Yes, social media has played a great role in educating others on this topic but there are still a lot of people who refuse to believe something like this exists and it is as important as physical health. What a lot of people don't understand is that this thing can stick around for a longer time than most physical problems and can be very harmful in the long run; which is why I want to play my role to apprise people on why we should stop the stigma. First things first, What is a 'Mental Illness'  In a nutshell, it could be described as conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood severely. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others adversely.  There isn't just 'one' mental

Stop "Glorifying" OCD

It's not what we often mistake for it to be. Its not just another term for "organized".  Obsessive and compulsive traits on their own are not a mental illness — we all have things that perhaps we obsess over. But for a person with OCD they can’t just “snap out of it.” .The brain of a person with OCD actually functions differently, essentially getting “stuck” on a thought. These thoughts are linked with intense anxiety driving the individual with OCD to engage in compulsive behaviour which is their only escape. The way OCD is portrayed is the worst. What exactly is "OCD"? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that influences human beings of every age and walks of life, and takes place when someone gets stuck in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that cause intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviours an individual engages in to try to get rid of the obsession