
Showing posts with the label Misdiagnosis

Stress Eating

 Heylo everybody! Welcome back <3 I had dedicated all the posts in the November, 2021 to Eating Disorders. I'm glad to share that we had an extremely successful event that month which brought in a great new number of readers as well.  One peculiar observation I had made was that despite throwing limelight on such topics, there was still a bit of confusion in the air about what classifies as 'normal behaviour' and when it starts extending into a disorder. Note: I'm not trying to diagnose you here considering I'm not a professional and don't have the authority to do so. This post will mainly be focussing on a few differences between an Eating Disorder and regular hunger pangs.  Anyone who has met me in real life would describe me as an absolute foodie(something I'd say is hereditary in me :P). I love experimenting with new styles and dishes, be it street food or at a classy restaurant Anyway, I've also had my share of stress eating before important even

Deeper into ADHD

       Heyyo everyone! With the immense amount of love and success on my previous post , a lot of y'all wanted a part II so here we are :)) Aaj ka post is a myth buster where we tackle a few common misconceptions about ADHD. Without further ado, let's get it to it! Starting off, No. Though sugar intake, watching too much TV, and a chaotic family life can worsen symptoms of ADHD, research shows that they cannot actually cause the condition and be the root of it. It's universally known that high consumption of sugar makes one jittery, but it doesn't mean it leads to a mental disorder. So, throw the idea out of the window that ADHD is caused due to the above. Again, absolutely not . The disorder can also affect teens as well as get carried onto adulthood. ADHD in teens and adults is almost always accompanied by other mental illnesses such as tw: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. However, very very few people with the condition seek treatment. Nuh uh. No mental ill

Mental Health Myths

 Hey everyone! Welcome back<3 Today's post is based on an EXTENSIVELY researched one which I've been working on since last year.  Several Instagram questionnaires, talking with professionals to even my own experience around these.    Super hard decision to narrow these down to just top 5, but hey, gonna do a part two soon if y'all want it :) All of us have had various misconceptions about different topics and many of its branches such as Anxiety, OCD , Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc. This post is not gonna cover any particular topic in depth rather the ones we hear in all of our day to day lives, with regards to "Mental Health". Without further ado, let's get to it! We can all agree that we HAVE heard this at least once in our lives. I guarantee you have. It's time we bust this myth hmm? MENTAL DISORDERS AND GOING TO THERAPY DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK. Let's have that cleared out. This is no more true than saying that a broken leg is a sign of weakne


 Hey everyone! Welcome back <3 Today's post is based on a topic which I came across from a real life incident. A lot of us may have also heard about it on the TV show , " Never have I ever" too. Before we get started, this post will be solely based on what exactly Anorexia is rather than tips to "overcome" it, because its not that "easy" after all.  So to start off, In layman's terms,  Anorexia is an eating disorder that leads to markedly reduced appetite or a complete aversion to food. People with anorexia constantly try to keep their weight as low as they can by not eating enough food.   The condition, in technical terms called anorexia nervosa, is going well past the boundaries of healthy dieting. Besides excessive dieting, someone with anorexia may additionally do great amounts of exercise, way past the recommended levels. This may also lead them to  being extraordinarily weak and starved. A person with anorexia, however, has a distorted b

The Glorification of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders have often been misperceived which has led to multiple repercussions.  They have been ignored, as well as, misdiagnosed . However, a factor common to both is that it has become a "trend" to have some sort of a disorder-now in the limelight- Eating Disorders . Not only is this wrong, but the reason people endorse in this is because they are unaware of what it actually is. This fad is not good and has to be brought to a full stop; No Mental Disorders are something to be joked about. That being said, to prevent further misconception about this topic, let's clear out What exactly is an "Eating Disorder"? In simple words, it is a serious mental illness, characterised by eating, exercise and body weight or shape becoming an unhealthy lifestyle of someone's life.  One tries using food to manage their feelings. They tend to have an baleful relationship with food. This may be eating too much or too little food. Maybe eating a lot of food in one sitti

Misdiagnosis and It's Repercussions

 Hey everyone! In last week's post I had published a small piece of poetry I had written. The main problem I intended to tackle was misdiagnosis of various mental disorders, how certain disorders are stereotyped to a large extent and what we see on the net is not always true.  As promised, today's post is based on what exactly misdiagnosis is-what leads to it and what are it's consequences.  Without further ado, let's get to it!  Misdiagnosis kya hota hai? It's definition is more or less self explanatory. It is basically the act of wrongly diagnosing yourself with a particular disorder or illness without consulting a doctor or a professional. One tends to decide what condition they suffer from on the basis of what they can grasp from the first few sites on the net. They tend to start medication themselves which as we all are aware of, is extremely dangerous.      Now that we answered that, it leads us to the next question: How does it arise? There are several facto

Doctor Google

  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I've been unable to sleep lately  "Insomnia you could catch?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I like cleaning obsessively  "Is it OCD that has hatched?"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I don't like going out at all "Social Anxiety's in your bag"  Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have It's like two people living in my head "Bipolar disorder, you trash" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have I suffer from excessive heavy breathing   "Anxiety, is that what's in your stash?" Hello Doctor Google  Please tell me what I have  I'm sad 24x7  "Congratulations, with depression you have a match!" Hello Doctor Google Please tell me what I have I get traumatic flashbacks "PTSD, is it that?" Hello Doctor Google Please keep your advice away Give me the closest clinic's number  I need to make sure I'm