
Showing posts with the label Journal

Dealing with Burn Out

 Hey everyone!  Welcome back <3 Congratulation to all my fellow ICSE readers, WE SURVIVED BOARDS PART I! Aaj ka post is a special requested one by many of my batchmates. I am a person studying in Grade 10 and this entire year, has been SO stressful and have led to several cases of burnout within me However, over time I've learnt a few coping mechanisms, which I wanted to share with you guys-because we all go through it-VERY FREQUENTLY.  I covered the topic on ' What is Burnout ' and today I'll be writing about a few methods I indulged in to bring myself up again!  Starting off, Be it catching up on your binging, reading a book, journaling whatever is your way to cool down-DO IT. It's more important now than ever that we work towards getting back to normal. But remember, Study-life balance is really important . Set up your schedule for equal parts school and fun or social activities. And don’t forget to make time for just YOU and  catch up on your missed out slee


Hey everyone, Welcome back! Should we incorporate journaling into our daily lives? This was a question I had asked myself when I had initially started journaling . I'm sure we are all familiar with the term 'journaling'. We may have even tried it out for a while but failed to keep up with it after a couple of days(I did too). For me the main reason was that I tried doing this daily and made it a "task" rather than an easing mechanism. About a year after giving up on journaling I finally decided to take it up again to help with my anxiety. To my surprise-IT WORKS! Penning down your thoughts helps. So, I thought why not share it's importance in our lives through a post :) When we think of the term journaling the first thought or rather picture that comes to our minds look something like this or something that you saw above:  Something really aesthetic and good looking which makes it perfect for an Instagram post. Loads of colours, highlighters, pictures and wha

Dear Diary

Heyy! Welcome back! So, about a year ago, I started having anxiety attacks because of different stressors around me. After a while when they started to get serious, a friend of mine told me that if I'm not able to talk to someone about it and if I want to keep it in my control, I should start writing them down. I should start keeping a track on the days I get them and the severity of them. I cannot describe how grateful I am to them for giving me this method to cope with it because it has worked magic. Over time, I realised that this doesn't apply just for anxiety attacks and can be put to use in any aspect of life. It doesn't always have to be stress. It can be applied when you're feeling low or feeling insecure or just want your rant your feelings out. What I followed was not a typical 'Dear Diary...' regime but something what I just felt I would just scream into someone's face. Obviously, I can't do that in real life hence choosing to write it down is