
Showing posts with the label Crying


 Hello everyone and welcome back! A lot of us may not be familiar with the term ' Bereavement', and truth be said, I wasn't too until recently.  This was something I came across on social media and thought of sharing with you all because I realized this is something that takes place through all stages of life, and the earlier you know it, the better. So, without further ado, let's get to it! Starting off with the obvious,  What is Bereavement? In simple terms, it is the  period of grief and mourning after a death or a loss occurs. Grieving is a normal reaction to loss. One may experience it as an emotional reaction which could be either physical or mental. Sometimes, mental reactions can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness and despair. Emotions can be overwhelming after dealing with the loss-not necessarily death. It could be anything that you truly cared about; a job, relationship or change in a person's health.  This  phenomenon is coined as 'Bereavement

Anger and Stress

 Hello everyone and welcome! We might have observed at times when a person is stressed, they tend to get angry.  The person being shouted at may take it negatively and take it in a bad way. Unless you understand the reason behind it, you will let that get into head which further reduces your productivity. We've all heard of the hormone Adrenaline, right? More commonly called the 'fight or flight'.  In a stressful situation, these trigger an emotion in your body known as anger . Anger and Stress have a symbiotic relationship. Each of them feeds off of the other.  This post is not going to be one where I give "tips" on overcoming it rather one which explores how this affects us , from a teenagers point of view. Without further ado, let's get to it!  When I was preparing for my board exams last year, like any student would say, it was a really stressful period. There were times where I would be so burdened with deadlines that sometimes I would just blast.  Somet

Stress Eating

 Heylo everybody! Welcome back <3 I had dedicated all the posts in the November, 2021 to Eating Disorders. I'm glad to share that we had an extremely successful event that month which brought in a great new number of readers as well.  One peculiar observation I had made was that despite throwing limelight on such topics, there was still a bit of confusion in the air about what classifies as 'normal behaviour' and when it starts extending into a disorder. Note: I'm not trying to diagnose you here considering I'm not a professional and don't have the authority to do so. This post will mainly be focussing on a few differences between an Eating Disorder and regular hunger pangs.  Anyone who has met me in real life would describe me as an absolute foodie(something I'd say is hereditary in me :P). I love experimenting with new styles and dishes, be it street food or at a classy restaurant Anyway, I've also had my share of stress eating before important even

Bottling Up

 Hi and welcome back <3 Today's post is based on something that is not so uncommon among us. Bottling up your emotions. Everyone has undergone it sometime and well, it's had its own share of repercussions. In today's post I'll be covering the impacts of the same, since most of are familiar with the concept. Without further ado, let's get to it! Emotions are feelings that need to be expressed. Be it happiness or sorrow, sharing it with your world affects how you perceive the situation. But, if you start hiding them within yourself and not disclosing it to others, chances are they will boil over and show themselves later, with worse consequences.  The main reason why we as humans are more prone to the same is because we fear facing them-head on. If we bottle things up, they don't just go away. Emotions will stay down until we physically can't contain them anymore, then they'll burst out fiercer than before. And more often than not, these come out in a f

How to deal with an Anxiety Attack: In public

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month <3 Here's another post based on Anxiety :) Okay so, a lot of people have sent me messages in response to my other posts covering various aspects of Anxiety and this was one of the top. Dealing with an attack in public. I have had my share of dealing with Anxiety attacks since 8th grade. As anyone would describe me-a SUPER introverted person- I don't disclose when I'm undergoing one. To combat them, I have learnt/developed a few tricks or rather 'grounding methods' to help me get through one. Here are my top 3: 5-4-3-2-1 trick I had also included this in a prior post and have written about it here as well for the sole reason of its effectiveness. 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste(even water works) Read about why its one of the best ways to deal with an attack: here This is one which gets me through most of my attacks and is also one which

Hugs Are Important

 Hi everyone! Welcome back <3 Aaj ka post is based on something we all do, but whose importance we aren't really aware of.  Today, we throw a little limelight on it :) In this post, I won't be focussing on the psychological impacts it has rather a few unknown basic effects on our mental health. Without further ado, let's get to it! We all hug someone when something exciting, disheartening or stressful happens. It helps us feel better. This is mainly because of oxytocin released also known as the "cuddle hormone." But let's not get all technical.   It's simply just an escape. Hugs help you express your emotion and share it with someone.  Hugging is proven to make us healthier, happier and calmer. As well as being able to ease levels of anxiety, hugging creates a feeling of relaxation. It provides a feeling of safety, love and security, thus helping you to increase your self-esteem . It succours to minimise negative feelings and replace them positive ones

The Pressure to be "Perfect"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back :) Today's post is based on something that has become more prevalent than ever nowadays and also one which was HIGHLY requested by you guys!(Thank you so much<3) The pressure to be perfect   - it can be loosely translated into "The Clout of Judgement "  . I think all of us can agree the insistence of having everything "perfect" has significantly increased over the past few years, especially among teenagers. A lot of us have even been through this(guilty :P) Starting off, The 3 P's. Padhai, Popularity and the Perfect Body. 100% in studies and extracurriculars, the biggest and most happening social life ever coupled with having the most ideal body according to society. More often than not, not having even one of them makes one believe that they aren't "good enough" and makes a person susceptible to the fear of judgement. Little is it known that nearly everyone goes through this. The pressure to be a certain way, not

Bullying-Does It Still Exist?

 Heyyo!  Welcome back! This is a topic I had originally written as a draft for my first post. At that time, it seemed as a very dull and click nahi karne vala topic so I decided not to publish it. Nearly a year later, I was going through my older posts and realised that this is actually a pretty misperceived topic. After witnessing such an event take place right in front of my eyes, I thought, why not write a new version on this topic? So, here we are :) I'm gonna try my best to not make this a typical "cliché" post where I just give solutions on how to "stop" it-nope. Both of us know it's not gonna be of much use🤷🏻‍♀️ Without further ado, lets get to it! A lot of us feel that bullying has reduced over the past few years and only exists among young kids. I actually disagree with this. With several factors being considered, the cases of bullying has actually increased-and not just among kids-rather among teens too.  People feel that it is non-existent for 2

How To Survive An Anxiety Attack-Part II

 Hey Everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month! Earlier this year, I had written a post on the same topic which brought in multiple new and unique responses. These were really insightful and simple techniques which I have implemented during my attacks and worked wonders, so I wanted to share a few of them with you guys :) (In case you missed out on the first part, don't worry, I'll drop in the link at the end of this post where you can check it out!) Without further ado, lets get to it :) This is one trick that has always seem to do the trick for me. Here's how it goes: 5 things you can see  4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste The main reason this works is because unknowingly you distract your mind by focussing on other things away from the oncoming attack. Try making sure these are different types of things; for example, when you're touching something, seek for differently textured and temperature objects. Or any

How to Help Someone Undergoing an Anxiety Attack?

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to yet another post based on anxiety :) If you've read my earlier posts, you may have come across one where I gave a few tips on how one can deal with an anxiety attack when they are alone.  However, I had a lot of people come to me and say, "I don't have anxiety but a friend of mine does and often gets these types of attacks. When they do, I am often unaware on how to comfort them. Do you have any tips?" To answer this question, I decided to write a post on this topic so that in the future if one encounters such a situation, they know how to deal with it and solace the victim. Note: These may not apply to everyone and different people have different coping mechanisms. These are just a few ones which have helped me and a few friends of mine.  One of the most common symptoms that is visible during an anxiety attack is discomfort and difficulty in breathing. One might go through palpitations or problems in breathing-which is something you s


 Heyy everyone! Welcome back to month 9 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random. Today's post is not like any regular faltu friday because today is a special one! A lot of you might have come across me hyping up about a surprise post on my socials-well wait no longer :) Today's post is a collaborative one with a likeminded friend of mine, Aanya Lodha :) Aanya, is a 14 year old attending Oberoi International School. She previously ran a mental health account on Instagram, @teen.trauma , but is currently taking a break from that. She loves doing what any teenager does; listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with her friends and family. She's not a professional and has never struggled with her mental health, but she knows many people that did, which is part of what made her so interested in starting her account, which promotes and educates people on mental health, in the first place. Her zeal towards educating had also played a role in inspired

Benefits of Crying

  Heyy! Welcome back! So, a couple of months ago I wrote on  why we should normalize crying   around us because it was kind of a stigma that stuck around in the air. However, what I realised was that the reason a lot of people try "holding it in" is because they don't really know the benefits to crying.  "Why should I cry? How will it help me? It's just gonna make me weak." I've had countless encounters with people when they've said such a thing and to console them by explaining to them why it's okay to let it out, which is why, I also wanted to let y'all know about the top 5 'unknown' perks of crying. We're all pretty familiar with the fact that crying improves your mood or makes you happy but did you know it also improves your vison?  How do you feel after a hectic day when you haven’t had a chance to drink much water? Chances are you’re quite thirsty and possibly a bit dehydrated. Our bodies require water to keep us going and t


Okay, I cannot begin to explain how long the stigma around mental illness has stuck around and how freaking annoying it is.  Very few people genuinely want to take this topic seriously and that's why it is neglected so much.  Yes, social media has played a great role in educating others on this topic but there are still a lot of people who refuse to believe something like this exists and it is as important as physical health. What a lot of people don't understand is that this thing can stick around for a longer time than most physical problems and can be very harmful in the long run; which is why I want to play my role to apprise people on why we should stop the stigma. First things first, What is a 'Mental Illness'  In a nutshell, it could be described as conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood severely. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others adversely.  There isn't just 'one' mental

Normalize Crying.

  Crying. It's seen as a sign of weakness. Literally. You shed one tear and bam you have label on yourself-"Weak". I often wonder why? Is it so wrong to express how you're feeling?? Or is it to have a social character of yourself as "strong"? Does it really give you that much pride?     It's not something new. Its existed for quite some time but now it's time to bring that to a full stop. We need to stop labelling people just for expressing what they are feeling. I wanna explain why Crying is okay. At times, when we get frustrated over something or are overwhelmed by something or just sad, we tend to burst it out. Shouting or yelling or throwing stuff. Kuch bhi. But at the end what we all resort to is crying in private. Why so?  This is because we don't want to show people our real feelings. We feel like they're going to "judge" us. We feel minor. And this true I'm not kidding. I've seen SO may people go through this that it