
Showing posts with the label Therapy

Coloring and Mental Health

  Hello everyone and welcome back to the last 'informative' post of the year!! We've all probably heard of the saying, "Coloring is therapeutic", right? We associate it with that word mostly because when we perform it, it calms us down. The reason behind the same: When we colour, our mind is fully engrossed in it, trying to get everything in line and perfect form that it blocks an anxious thing out of our brains. We fully focus on the art. But did you know, there's more to this? It has an immense effect on your mental health too! Without further ado, let's find out how :) Though there isn't an extensive research on this particular topic, evidence suggests that coloring can greatly reduce your stress levels. It can provide little relief temporarily to let your mind find some ease and relax and then go back to a stressor and approach it with a different perspective. 'Adult coloring books' acts as an alternative to meditation. Living in the presen

The "Therapist Friend"

 Hello and welcome back everyone! HAPPY 100TH POST!! A lot of us may have come across the term "Therapist Friend" of a group. The stereotypical description of the same would look something like this: The quiet, calm, cool and collected one with the best advise whom anyone can approach for the minutest of inconveniences. A good listener is the basic trait possessed by them.  However, the fact still lies that most people misuse the term 'Therapist Friend.' A few months ago, I had authored a post titled ' Facebook Therapy Memes ' which led to this topic.      It was also suggested by a reader of my blogs and I found it to be extremely insightful considering it's high misuse, so I decided to throw a bit of limelight on the same. Without further ado, let's get to it. The phrase 'Therapist Friend', I believe, is a wrong term.  This is simply just my opinion but let me justify why. There is a significant mixing up of the term 'Friend' and a &#

Stress Eating

 Heylo everybody! Welcome back <3 I had dedicated all the posts in the November, 2021 to Eating Disorders. I'm glad to share that we had an extremely successful event that month which brought in a great new number of readers as well.  One peculiar observation I had made was that despite throwing limelight on such topics, there was still a bit of confusion in the air about what classifies as 'normal behaviour' and when it starts extending into a disorder. Note: I'm not trying to diagnose you here considering I'm not a professional and don't have the authority to do so. This post will mainly be focussing on a few differences between an Eating Disorder and regular hunger pangs.  Anyone who has met me in real life would describe me as an absolute foodie(something I'd say is hereditary in me :P). I love experimenting with new styles and dishes, be it street food or at a classy restaurant Anyway, I've also had my share of stress eating before important even

The M² Maze

  Hello and Welcome back!! In last week's post , I spoke about the connection of the C² foods in our lives which led me to titling this post as the 'M² Maze'. This is a post I've been meaning to write on ever since I authored a post called  Dance Movement Therapy  almost a year ago. Music and Mental Health. Are they connected? Let's learn more about in this post! To simply answer, Yes. They are highly interconnected.  Most of us are probably acquainted with the fact that music can greatly reduce stress by releasing chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin and lower the level of stress hormone cortisol. But do you also know that it can improve your cognitive performance? Do you play music in the background while studying or cleaning up? Several researches have concluded that playing music in the background can actually enable you to focus on a task better and perform it efficiently rather than distracting you. It jumpstarts your brain and helps you maintain your focu

Deeper into ADHD

       Heyyo everyone! With the immense amount of love and success on my previous post , a lot of y'all wanted a part II so here we are :)) Aaj ka post is a myth buster where we tackle a few common misconceptions about ADHD. Without further ado, let's get it to it! Starting off, No. Though sugar intake, watching too much TV, and a chaotic family life can worsen symptoms of ADHD, research shows that they cannot actually cause the condition and be the root of it. It's universally known that high consumption of sugar makes one jittery, but it doesn't mean it leads to a mental disorder. So, throw the idea out of the window that ADHD is caused due to the above. Again, absolutely not . The disorder can also affect teens as well as get carried onto adulthood. ADHD in teens and adults is almost always accompanied by other mental illnesses such as tw: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. However, very very few people with the condition seek treatment. Nuh uh. No mental ill

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Hey everyone!  So almost a year ago, I wrote a post on  procrastination  to which I got a really great response to! One of my friend then told me about something called 'Revenge Bed-Time' procrastination and recommended me to write on it.   I did my reading and it seemed like a really unique and new topic so without further ado, here we go :) Starting off, What is "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?" “Revenge sleep time procrastination” – could be interpreted by saying it is staying up late in a self-revenge way – but it isn't always  about procrastinating. It is about compensating yourself rationally after a day consumed by duties and responsibilities. The night time is the only time to have valuable “me-time” and “regain control”. It is a conscious choice to stay up late so that you can feel like yourself again. With so many different things out of our control, the one factor human beings can manage is when they determine to go to sleep. And even though they under

Mental Health Myths

 Hey everyone! Welcome back<3 Today's post is based on an EXTENSIVELY researched one which I've been working on since last year.  Several Instagram questionnaires, talking with professionals to even my own experience around these.    Super hard decision to narrow these down to just top 5, but hey, gonna do a part two soon if y'all want it :) All of us have had various misconceptions about different topics and many of its branches such as Anxiety, OCD , Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc. This post is not gonna cover any particular topic in depth rather the ones we hear in all of our day to day lives, with regards to "Mental Health". Without further ado, let's get to it! We can all agree that we HAVE heard this at least once in our lives. I guarantee you have. It's time we bust this myth hmm? MENTAL DISORDERS AND GOING TO THERAPY DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK. Let's have that cleared out. This is no more true than saying that a broken leg is a sign of weakne

Support Groups

 Hello everyone! Welcome back <3 Today's post is based on something that is a bit unknown to some of us.  Support groups! Now a lot of us have heard about the term " therapy ", right? This is related to that.  Now explicitly speaking, the term Support groups' meaning is pretty straightforward. It's a meeting of a group of people, who have been through similar experiences, to provide help and companionship to one another. A primary distinguishing feature of support groups is that most times, a professional is present who doesn't share the problem of members and helps supervise the meeting. Are they really helpful though? Support groups have had a significant growth over the past few years and a lot of them have showed a positive result. I for one do believe that these are helpful. Let me draw you an example: Most of us are friends with people we share some common interests. We have topics of conversations and debates but there is always some subjects we don&

"Facebook Therapy Memes"

  A lot of us may have come across this template also known as 'Facebook memes' on our social media feeds-I did too. It really annoyed me because a lot of people neglect the need to go to actual therapy and seem to 'recover' by looking at such memes. Not to mention, many at times these posts are accompanied with captions impeding therapy and calling it a 'scam'. I took an online poll via my Instagram account and the response was analogous. There were people pro to such kind of memes and on the other hand people who were not so much. It really helped me look at this topic from both the point of views and wanted to discuss whether this is actually a good thing or not which is why I chose to write a post on it. Let's get to it! Out of 100 people voting, the number was an exact 50-50 tie. I also had plenty of people expressing their point of views for their choice in my dm's.  Although a lot of people said was that it was a "coping mechanism" and a

Unique Types Of Therapy Techniques

Therapy.  Therapy, also referred to as psychotherapy or counselling, is the process of meeting with a therapist to solve problematic behaviors, beliefs, feelings, relationship issues, and/or somatic responses. Beginning therapy may be a massive step towards being the healthiest version of yourself and residing in  the best life possible—irrespective of what challenges you may be facing. You may have seen a couple of posts regarding this on my pages earlier(if not, don't worry! I'll drop off the links at the end of this post where you can check them out). In most of them, I spoke about how going to therapy must be normalized and how we should be more open to exploring ourselves through therapy and not treat them as a taboo. One thing I incurred from most of the post responses was that there are still a lot of people who think that therapy is still the 'sit on a couch-blabber about your problems to a stranger' thing. Well even though it partly is, it is not completely lim


 Heyy everyone! Welcome back to month 9 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random. Today's post is not like any regular faltu friday because today is a special one! A lot of you might have come across me hyping up about a surprise post on my socials-well wait no longer :) Today's post is a collaborative one with a likeminded friend of mine, Aanya Lodha :) Aanya, is a 14 year old attending Oberoi International School. She previously ran a mental health account on Instagram, @teen.trauma , but is currently taking a break from that. She loves doing what any teenager does; listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with her friends and family. She's not a professional and has never struggled with her mental health, but she knows many people that did, which is part of what made her so interested in starting her account, which promotes and educates people on mental health, in the first place. Her zeal towards educating had also played a role in inspired

Dance Movement Therapy

All living beings have motion embedded in their bodies, even those who accept as true what they can’t, can! Often, matters that the thoughts won't be conscious of, the frame knows. Our bodies are just like the maps of our recollections and stories of our lives. One manner to tour through those will be connecting with the frame through Dance Movement Therapy. Our actions communicate louder than words. It facilitates us to speak the intangible and construct greater recognition with bodily and intellectual launch of the facts that have been saved within the frame over the years. What is Dance Movement Therapy (DMT)? Traditionally, therapy is associated with an image of an individual sitting on the couch and talking for long hours over sessions and sessions. DMT tends to be a different form of therapy. It is the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process which furthers the emotional, cognitive and physical integration of the individual.  DMT would have the individual express themse


  Heyy! Welcome back! Today, I just wanted to throw some light on an important issue that's prevalent. I wanna talk about 'why' rather than 'what' it is.  Therapy. None of us wants to take this seriously. The one's who do, get bullied for it. The terms 'psycho' and 'mental' come to mind when you come across a person who goes to therapy. A lot of people don't even know what it is and assume it as something wrong whereas some don't even allow it and some refuse to believe that something like this exists. Why? Why is it wrong to seek professional help when you cannot deal with something yourself? Why is it so hard to accept the fact that someone is mentally disturbed and cannot open up to his peers? I'm not talking about adult therapy or child therapy here. I have come here to talk about teenage therapy and how it needs to be normalized in our society. Lots of people go through changes which they fear they cannot talk about openly to the