
Showing posts with the label Stress

Coloring and Mental Health

  Hello everyone and welcome back to the last 'informative' post of the year!! We've all probably heard of the saying, "Coloring is therapeutic", right? We associate it with that word mostly because when we perform it, it calms us down. The reason behind the same: When we colour, our mind is fully engrossed in it, trying to get everything in line and perfect form that it blocks an anxious thing out of our brains. We fully focus on the art. But did you know, there's more to this? It has an immense effect on your mental health too! Without further ado, let's find out how :) Though there isn't an extensive research on this particular topic, evidence suggests that coloring can greatly reduce your stress levels. It can provide little relief temporarily to let your mind find some ease and relax and then go back to a stressor and approach it with a different perspective. 'Adult coloring books' acts as an alternative to meditation. Living in the presen

Make Stress Your Friend

 Hi everyone and welcome back! Today's post is based on a Ted Talk I recently watched and wanted to share with you all :) We've often heard the repercussions of 'Stress' - especially the negative impacts has on your body.  However, a recent study has concluded that stress is only bad if you take it in a bad way. People who consider stress to be the devil are often more prone to stress related conditions than people who make it their friend. When you view your stress response as helpful, you indirectly create a biology of courage.  Too little stress can make you unproductive and too much can make you extremely anxious and lead to various repercussions. You can't control the situation, but you can control your reaction to it, and that is by making it your friend.  Now the next question that may arise would be, How do I make Stress my friend? Well to answer that, I would recommend you watch the ted talk I was inspired by: Here!   Instead of viewing stress as something

Anger and Stress

 Hello everyone and welcome! We might have observed at times when a person is stressed, they tend to get angry.  The person being shouted at may take it negatively and take it in a bad way. Unless you understand the reason behind it, you will let that get into head which further reduces your productivity. We've all heard of the hormone Adrenaline, right? More commonly called the 'fight or flight'.  In a stressful situation, these trigger an emotion in your body known as anger . Anger and Stress have a symbiotic relationship. Each of them feeds off of the other.  This post is not going to be one where I give "tips" on overcoming it rather one which explores how this affects us , from a teenagers point of view. Without further ado, let's get to it!  When I was preparing for my board exams last year, like any student would say, it was a really stressful period. There were times where I would be so burdened with deadlines that sometimes I would just blast.  Somet

Social Media: A Reminder

 Hey everyone!  If you're an ardent reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I've authored a few posts based on Social Media and its downsides on our mental health. (if you're not, don't worry, I'll be linking them all at the end!) This led me to thinking, what happens after you address a problem? Yes. You find solutions. So, in today's post I'll be writing about a few ways to combat the toxicity of social media(in a realistic way).  Without further ado, let's get to it :) Number 1 A lot of times, we may have come across posts of people hanging out in big groups and having a lot of fun whereas you're at home studying. Throughout 10th grade I had an excessive feeling of this but then I'd remind myself that my studying is going to get me somewhere. It doesn't mean that having fun is bad, just that I have it scheduled for some other time. Number 2 Reiterating, staring at the fun people are having at a social event you weren't invited to

Importance of "Mental Health Days"

 Hey everyone! Welcome back!! In all honesty, I was not well acquainted with the term "Mental Health Days" until I saw it in a TV show . This led me to thinking if something like this actually exists, and if so, how can it benefit us? So, I did my research, started implementing it in my personal life and wanted to share with you the importance of the same :) Without further ado, let's get to it! Starting off with the obvious, What is a "Mental Health Day" If your first thought was something related to taking a break, you would be correct. A Mental Health Day is one where you absolutely cut off from your rat race life and take a step back to rejuvenate yourself. It’s a day to relax, decompress and take care of yourself overall. For example, if you've just finished with your exams and sacrificed on your sleep schedule a lot, its regaining that. If you've burnt yourself out with various stressors, its taking a pause from it.  It's taking time out to rel

Video Games and Mental Health

 Hello everyone and welcome back to a fresh new month! Video Games and Mental Health - Are They Related? Perhaps every teen's obsession at some point of their lives was playing these games.  Be it Fortnite, PubG or Minecraft, no one has ever given it a thought if in reality it has any links to your mental health. I was acquainted with this topic during my time at Harvard and thought it would be a great idea to throw some limelight on this topic :) So without further ado, let's get to it! While most parents might argue that the influence of video games has been negative, recent studies show that playing video games in fact has also had a positive impact on a person's mind. A lot of us must be familiar with the fact that it improves hand and eye coordination, helps you focus better and even learn better. But did you know, it also simultaneously increases as well as decreases your social resilience ?  There has been a steep rise in the level of social anxiety sufferers ever

The Importance of Mental Health

 Welcome back everybody! If you're a gen-z or a millennial, chances are you are probably well acquainted with the idea of mental health. In today's post, I'll be tackling the idea of why it is so stigmatized and why it is equally as important as your physical health. Without further ado, Let's get to it! Growing up as a kid, third grade me was exposed to the term 'mental' as a swear to describe someone as a lunatic.  "Bro you belong in a mental hospital" was a line that came up in nearly every conversation- and still does to this date. This was just my first expose to the stigmatized world of Mental Health. Teasing someone and bullying them by using this phrase contributed to the idea in our brains that being out of line=crazy=mental disorder. We had a picture drew up in mind about someone in white overalls, open uncombed hair and walking with small steps with their neck bent sideways- most movies promote the idea in the same way. The exposure to all

Overthinking 101

 Hello everybody!  Welcome back!! Now anyone who knows me personally would describe me some what as a 'professional overthinker'. Partly due to my anxiety, partly due to my extremely cautious mind, and partly due to self doubt , I have always tried my best to stay one step ahead, which may or may not have led to excessive amounts of overthinking eep :p Except, I know I'm not the only one who goes through this🤷🏻‍♀️ Let's admit it, we have all spent a significant amount of time pondering over embarrassing moments, reliving conversations in your head and thinking about all the things you wish you had or had not said.  A very recent case of mine: I was supposed to send the working of a numerical to my pedagogue. I initially approached it by dividing it by a thousand then overthought and decided to cut it off and leave it as is. When he told me it was incorrect, the queen of silly mistakes noticed that they had added incorrectly :)  That wasn't just it. The final answ

Stress Eating

 Heylo everybody! Welcome back <3 I had dedicated all the posts in the November, 2021 to Eating Disorders. I'm glad to share that we had an extremely successful event that month which brought in a great new number of readers as well.  One peculiar observation I had made was that despite throwing limelight on such topics, there was still a bit of confusion in the air about what classifies as 'normal behaviour' and when it starts extending into a disorder. Note: I'm not trying to diagnose you here considering I'm not a professional and don't have the authority to do so. This post will mainly be focussing on a few differences between an Eating Disorder and regular hunger pangs.  Anyone who has met me in real life would describe me as an absolute foodie(something I'd say is hereditary in me :P). I love experimenting with new styles and dishes, be it street food or at a classy restaurant Anyway, I've also had my share of stress eating before important even

Bottling Up

 Hi and welcome back <3 Today's post is based on something that is not so uncommon among us. Bottling up your emotions. Everyone has undergone it sometime and well, it's had its own share of repercussions. In today's post I'll be covering the impacts of the same, since most of are familiar with the concept. Without further ado, let's get to it! Emotions are feelings that need to be expressed. Be it happiness or sorrow, sharing it with your world affects how you perceive the situation. But, if you start hiding them within yourself and not disclosing it to others, chances are they will boil over and show themselves later, with worse consequences.  The main reason why we as humans are more prone to the same is because we fear facing them-head on. If we bottle things up, they don't just go away. Emotions will stay down until we physically can't contain them anymore, then they'll burst out fiercer than before. And more often than not, these come out in a f

Stage Fright

Palms sweaty. Throat scratchy. Feet shivering.  Hello and welcome back to a fresh new month <3     We're all familiar with the term 'Stage Fright' or 'Performance Anxiety' right?  The irrational fear or anxiety when performing before an audience. A lot of us may have also experienced this at some point. I've been a avid dancer ever since I was a kid but that doesn't doesn't imply that I've haven't been a victim to the same.  It happened to me at a really young age however, I developed methods to overcome the same, which I'll be discussing towards the end of this post. Keep in mind, today's post is going to be based on a little more general perspective that we all have undergone at some point and not the disorder. (Do let me know in the comments if you would like me to base a post on the same) Let's first understand,  Why does it occur? Self consciousness, low self esteem, and many more factors. If y'all have watched the new mov

10th Grade: The Roller Coaster Year

 Hello everyone and welcome back to month 22 of #faltufriday!! For people who are new here, I recently gave my term 2 of my 10th grade ICSE boards which FINALLY marked the end of an incredibly cosmic roller coaster ride. The past 15 academic months have been absolutely crazy - dealing with online studies and keeping up with the '10th grade pressure', so I thought, why not share my journey now that I'm finally over with them! I'm a science student so my boards ended on the 19th of May, 2022. However, I started preparations for the same, back in March-end, 2021. 15 dreadful yet the most memorable month's of my entire academic journey. About a week after my 9th grade exams had ended was when 10th grade commenced for me. Both school and tuition began and the end goal of 10th Grade was set. The first couple of weeks did seem a bit overwhelming considering the huge pressure and importance that is given to this aspect of your life, however, I dealt with the same soon. One

The M² Maze

  Hello and Welcome back!! In last week's post , I spoke about the connection of the C² foods in our lives which led me to titling this post as the 'M² Maze'. This is a post I've been meaning to write on ever since I authored a post called  Dance Movement Therapy  almost a year ago. Music and Mental Health. Are they connected? Let's learn more about in this post! To simply answer, Yes. They are highly interconnected.  Most of us are probably acquainted with the fact that music can greatly reduce stress by releasing chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin and lower the level of stress hormone cortisol. But do you also know that it can improve your cognitive performance? Do you play music in the background while studying or cleaning up? Several researches have concluded that playing music in the background can actually enable you to focus on a task better and perform it efficiently rather than distracting you. It jumpstarts your brain and helps you maintain your focu

The C² Crisis

Most of us have probably consumed these two products on a weekly basis, if not daily, in our lives. Coffee and Chewing Gum.  It's addiction is more common than you might think. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the effects it has on your physical health, right? But the lesser known fact is, the consumption of this can greatly affect your mental health as well. In today's post we'll be looking at some of the effects it has so without further ado, let's get to it! Coffee. Though research has found that caffeine can certainly help your energy levels and deal with splinting headaches, it has a terrible impact on your stress levels and sleep cycle .  It's addiction is unique. You know you are consuming it in high amounts, however, aren't able to survive the day without one, which may or may not lead to overconsumption of the same. Just a few examples are these: It produces symptoms that can easily be confused with anxiety disorders , such as panic attac

Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health!

 Hi everyone! Welcome backk!! Today's post is one on which I've been meaning to write on for a really long time and finally got the opportunity to.    Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health Perhaps something which we have all heard at some time but blissfully chosen to ignore (I did too eep :p) Until recently, when I deactivated most of my social media due to my exams did I realise the harmful impacts of social media in our lives.  I cannot comprehend into words how relieved I felt those 4 weeks I was away from the media.  Most of us don't understand something until we actually go through it. The amount of FOMO and drama that it feeds you with is unimaginable.  Social Media    fuels the need to present yourself in a particular manner, follow a particular regime, and overall be this " perfect person ". It takes a terrible toll on your mental health, often leading to various repercussions. A few of which include: HORRIBLE amounts of anxiousness Cyberbullying is

Starting High School: All Over Again.

 Heyy everyone! Welcome to a fresh new month <3 Today's post is somewhat special. Not only is it a SUPER requested one, it's also a revamp of my very first blog: Starting High School. This post was authored by me almost a year and a half ago when I started high school during a pandemic. Jumpstart to 2 years, offline school began for me - the compulsory one :( and it has not been going as well as expected. Perhaps now is the time when my 'student feels' of stress and anxiety caused by school is kicking in, but nevertheless, I know this feeling is pretty common among my peers and other schoolmates so I chose to throw a bit of limelight on it in today's post! The pandemic induced online studies certainly had a few pros to itself. The biggest one being: Time . I am a grade 10th student so for me, any spare second I find is precious. Now don't get me wrong, going to school is beneficial, however, since you may have lost the rhythm of it, the first few days of it c

Hugs Are Important

 Hi everyone! Welcome back <3 Aaj ka post is based on something we all do, but whose importance we aren't really aware of.  Today, we throw a little limelight on it :) In this post, I won't be focussing on the psychological impacts it has rather a few unknown basic effects on our mental health. Without further ado, let's get to it! We all hug someone when something exciting, disheartening or stressful happens. It helps us feel better. This is mainly because of oxytocin released also known as the "cuddle hormone." But let's not get all technical.   It's simply just an escape. Hugs help you express your emotion and share it with someone.  Hugging is proven to make us healthier, happier and calmer. As well as being able to ease levels of anxiety, hugging creates a feeling of relaxation. It provides a feeling of safety, love and security, thus helping you to increase your self-esteem . It succours to minimise negative feelings and replace them positive ones

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Hey everyone!  So almost a year ago, I wrote a post on  procrastination  to which I got a really great response to! One of my friend then told me about something called 'Revenge Bed-Time' procrastination and recommended me to write on it.   I did my reading and it seemed like a really unique and new topic so without further ado, here we go :) Starting off, What is "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?" “Revenge sleep time procrastination” – could be interpreted by saying it is staying up late in a self-revenge way – but it isn't always  about procrastinating. It is about compensating yourself rationally after a day consumed by duties and responsibilities. The night time is the only time to have valuable “me-time” and “regain control”. It is a conscious choice to stay up late so that you can feel like yourself again. With so many different things out of our control, the one factor human beings can manage is when they determine to go to sleep. And even though they under

Good Anxiety vs Bad Anxiety

 Heylo everyone! Welcome back!! I have been receiving numerous number of dm's saying that they haven't seen a post on Anxiety recently😂  So here you go :)  A post yet again on Anxiety! Aaj ka post is based on something I learnt recently and has helped me quite a lot. Anxiety, as we all know can be described as a change in the thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions and actions of a person. Its the change in thoughts of an apprehensive being for the worst. You intend on imagining the worst case scenario instead of focusing on the present.  Now general anxiety can be classified into to parts-good and bad; not something we're all familiar with right? (A lot of us think it's just hyperventilation and a constant state of panic-nope!) Let me explain the difference with an example: "Test anxiety" A certain amount of anxiety to an extent is good. It alerts your brain to take responsible decisions and think things from all perspectives before going through it.  Speaking