
Showing posts from September, 2021


  Heyyo everyone! Welcome back to Month 14 of #faltufriday! As the title of this post suggested, YES I GOT INTERVIEWED!! (I'll be dropping the link to it at the end of the post so don't forget to check it out!) Milestones right?? :) Anyway, today's post is basically on my entire experience so enjoy!! Being a Mental Health blogger I recently volunteered to give a talk to aspiring bloggers and fellow teens on a talk show known as ' The Achievers Table ' The Achiever's Table is a Forum made keeping in mind the young and aspiring teenagers who have the urge to achieve success in life. The show helps today’s youth have a broader idea of conventional and unconventional career paths, expanding their horizons into the “real world” and much more! It also enables the aspiring section of the society to come out of their shells and meet more like-minded people. They aim to motivate our society’s young and aspirational section to think out of the box fearlessly. So here go

Bullying-Does It Still Exist?

 Heyyo!  Welcome back! This is a topic I had originally written as a draft for my first post. At that time, it seemed as a very dull and click nahi karne vala topic so I decided not to publish it. Nearly a year later, I was going through my older posts and realised that this is actually a pretty misperceived topic. After witnessing such an event take place right in front of my eyes, I thought, why not write a new version on this topic? So, here we are :) I'm gonna try my best to not make this a typical "cliché" post where I just give solutions on how to "stop" it-nope. Both of us know it's not gonna be of much use🤷🏻‍♀️ Without further ado, lets get to it! A lot of us feel that bullying has reduced over the past few years and only exists among young kids. I actually disagree with this. With several factors being considered, the cases of bullying has actually increased-and not just among kids-rather among teens too.  People feel that it is non-existent for 2

Trigger Warnings

 Hey everyone!  Trigger warnings have become an absolute necessity of today's times.  Very often we see people use the phrase "tw: *subject* " on social media, however, not a lot of us seem to understand the actual use and importance behind it. So, I thought, why not tackle this uprising subject for this week's post?  Without further ado, let's get to it :) Before we get to the importance of them, let us first understand What exactly are "Trigger Warnings"? A trigger warning is a statement made prior to sharing potentially disturbing content of various topics. These deliver messages of warnings in order to allow people to prepare emotionally for the content or to decide to forgo interacting with the content. In simpler words, it is a trauma trigger that prompts recall of a previous traumatic experience in the brain and has various repercussions.   Now that we have that out in the clear, let's proceed to the next important question: What is its import

How To Survive An Anxiety Attack-Part II

 Hey Everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month! Earlier this year, I had written a post on the same topic which brought in multiple new and unique responses. These were really insightful and simple techniques which I have implemented during my attacks and worked wonders, so I wanted to share a few of them with you guys :) (In case you missed out on the first part, don't worry, I'll drop in the link at the end of this post where you can check it out!) Without further ado, lets get to it :) This is one trick that has always seem to do the trick for me. Here's how it goes: 5 things you can see  4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste The main reason this works is because unknowingly you distract your mind by focussing on other things away from the oncoming attack. Try making sure these are different types of things; for example, when you're touching something, seek for differently textured and temperature objects. Or any