
Showing posts from January, 2022

Why 'Brooklyn Nine Nine' Is Your Ultimate Binge

 Heyyo everybody! Welcome back to month 18 of #faltufriday! Brooklyn Nine Nine. A show that I've watched over nine (million) times :P Anyone who knows me, would describe me as an absolute fanatic of watching TV shows; but, there are a few which are very close to me-which include 'Friends' and 'Brooklyn Nine Nine'(and many more) There's a gazillion reasons why I love watching this one particular TV serial over and over again; and also recommending it to EVERY SINGLE PERSON EVER.  This led me to decide, why not share my crazy obsession about it with the whole world? So without further ado, lets get to it! For anyone who is unaware of what the show is about, its basically a cop comedy featuring various aspects and stories from a closely knit squad of the NYPD in the 99th precinct.  Besides the 'die hard' fan of Die Hard, the protagonist Jake Peralta, being my favourite character, there are numerous reasons why I'm in LOVE with the show. Here's just

Mental Health Myths

 Hey everyone! Welcome back<3 Today's post is based on an EXTENSIVELY researched one which I've been working on since last year.  Several Instagram questionnaires, talking with professionals to even my own experience around these.    Super hard decision to narrow these down to just top 5, but hey, gonna do a part two soon if y'all want it :) All of us have had various misconceptions about different topics and many of its branches such as Anxiety, OCD , Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc. This post is not gonna cover any particular topic in depth rather the ones we hear in all of our day to day lives, with regards to "Mental Health". Without further ado, let's get to it! We can all agree that we HAVE heard this at least once in our lives. I guarantee you have. It's time we bust this myth hmm? MENTAL DISORDERS AND GOING TO THERAPY DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK. Let's have that cleared out. This is no more true than saying that a broken leg is a sign of weakne

Good Anxiety vs Bad Anxiety

 Heylo everyone! Welcome back!! I have been receiving numerous number of dm's saying that they haven't seen a post on Anxiety recently😂  So here you go :)  A post yet again on Anxiety! Aaj ka post is based on something I learnt recently and has helped me quite a lot. Anxiety, as we all know can be described as a change in the thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions and actions of a person. Its the change in thoughts of an apprehensive being for the worst. You intend on imagining the worst case scenario instead of focusing on the present.  Now general anxiety can be classified into to parts-good and bad; not something we're all familiar with right? (A lot of us think it's just hyperventilation and a constant state of panic-nope!) Let me explain the difference with an example: "Test anxiety" A certain amount of anxiety to an extent is good. It alerts your brain to take responsible decisions and think things from all perspectives before going through it.  Speaking

Queer Peer

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new year <<3 With the immense amount of love and success my previous post based on the LGBTQ+ Community received, a lot(I mean, A LOT) of y'all wanted me to cover another post on this topic! Which brings us here :) In today's post I'll be writing about various thoughts a person might experience when coming out, how it negatively impacts their mental health, as well as ways one can support their friends from this community. P.S: Everyone has different experiences so I spoke to different people from the coterie and I tried my best to make it common to all teens :) Without further ado, let's get to it! Coming Out of the Closet It can be quite a tough process for a lot of people and is often coupled with a gazillion overpowering thoughts.  1. Self esteem takes a hit Years spent in the closet can make the prospect of revealing oneself an emotionally charged experience. However, the process is not just about revealing oneself to o