
Showing posts from May, 2022

10th Grade: The Roller Coaster Year

 Hello everyone and welcome back to month 22 of #faltufriday!! For people who are new here, I recently gave my term 2 of my 10th grade ICSE boards which FINALLY marked the end of an incredibly cosmic roller coaster ride. The past 15 academic months have been absolutely crazy - dealing with online studies and keeping up with the '10th grade pressure', so I thought, why not share my journey now that I'm finally over with them! I'm a science student so my boards ended on the 19th of May, 2022. However, I started preparations for the same, back in March-end, 2021. 15 dreadful yet the most memorable month's of my entire academic journey. About a week after my 9th grade exams had ended was when 10th grade commenced for me. Both school and tuition began and the end goal of 10th Grade was set. The first couple of weeks did seem a bit overwhelming considering the huge pressure and importance that is given to this aspect of your life, however, I dealt with the same soon. One

How to be more like a Cockroach

Hello everyone! Welcome back <3  Following up on last week's post   in which I wrote about the importance of being adaptable towards a situation and to taking it how it goes, today's post is based on my top 3 ways of implying the same. These are methods that have worked really well for me but one thing I kept in mind before practicing them was to mentally accept the fact that it won't happen overnight. It's a slow process but one which is definitely worth it.  Without further ado, let's get to it! This is probably just step 'A' of Adaptability. Accepting the fact that new things isn't always necessarily bad is the first way you should set your mindset to help you take situations easier. Even though it's natural to want to resist change, try and build up your ability to adapt and respond positively by physically changing your behaviour next time you are faced with a change-goes a long way tbh. In continuation to the previous point,  this one focuss

Be A Cockroach

 Hi everyone! Welcome back!! Aaj ka post is based on something which we've all been through and unknowingly got out of.   Trivia question: Which creature can survive in any condition? Answer : Cockroaches.  (and tardigrades too, but let's go with a more common example) They are considered to be one of the hardest groups of creatures. It is an incredibly adaptive insect, having adjusted to the changes of the earth and its inhabitants for these hundreds of millions of years. "So, how is that connected to Mental Health? Isn't that simply biology?" is perhaps what you might be thinking right now.  Let me answer your question :) As humans, adapting to a particular situation is a frequent struggle. Life constantly throws lemons and more often than not, we're not able to make lemonade out of it.  It can be any circumstance- class shuffles, shifting or even losing someone. It's a hard grapple to overcome to the situation quick if you don't have great adaptabil

How to deal with an Anxiety Attack: In public

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month <3 Here's another post based on Anxiety :) Okay so, a lot of people have sent me messages in response to my other posts covering various aspects of Anxiety and this was one of the top. Dealing with an attack in public. I have had my share of dealing with Anxiety attacks since 8th grade. As anyone would describe me-a SUPER introverted person- I don't disclose when I'm undergoing one. To combat them, I have learnt/developed a few tricks or rather 'grounding methods' to help me get through one. Here are my top 3: 5-4-3-2-1 trick I had also included this in a prior post and have written about it here as well for the sole reason of its effectiveness. 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste(even water works) Read about why its one of the best ways to deal with an attack: here This is one which gets me through most of my attacks and is also one which