
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Merchant of Venice: An Alternative Ending

  Hey everyone and welcome back to #faltufriday of month(I lost count). Oh wait it's month 31!! Every last Friday of the year I author a completely random post which relates to my personal life. I read studied The Merchant of Venice for nearly 2 full years during my academic life. Contrary to the popular opinion of most students, it was a good play.  I for one really enjoyed reading it for 2 years, anticipating it's ending, and it was one fine Friday, about 3 months before my board exams when I flipped the last page.  And it was NOT what I expected. I was plain disappointed to read the last line - especially because GRATIANO said the last line. My brain went: " No. Just no. Nuh uh. They did not just. WHY HIM. OVER NERISSA?? THEY WERE'NT EVEN THE MAIN PLOT. Bruh " (yeah that's pretty accurate) So, I thought, why not come up with a few alternative endings(to the abridged version we studied) myself? Just a disclaimer: This post in no way a critic of the original

Mask off: Insecurity On.

Hello everyone! Welcome back <3  The novel coronavirus pandemic came as a bolt out the blue. With schools, shops and public places closing down, fear had filled the air. At the beginning of the global crisis, we were all forced to adapt to a “new normal”. Online activities rose and masks became the new uniform. However, 3 years down the road, with scientific advancement, we were able to reduce the spread of the virus, so much so that we've reached a 'mask optional' stage. While this is a relieving fact for many, not so much for teenagers of this age.  The reason: Insecurity. This fact may sound dumb to most of you, it's a reality that people are insecure of having their masks off.  Acne, puberty, social expectations and several other image conscious factors are a major contributor to this feeling.  Many people were glad to be wearing masks to cover these features of theirs that they were embarrassed of; and finally having a valid excuse. It served as a blanket again

Phone Addiction!

Hey everyone! Welcome back :) Today's post is based on something nearly every single person presently suffers from: ✨Phone Addiction✨ We've all heard of the surveys that show the average amount of time a person spends on their phone. Recently, the numbers in India have risen up to 4.5 to 5 hours. And this is just the average of all age groups. Ask a teenager what their screen time is and I can guarantee you it would be no less than 6 hours (some exceptions included of course). 6 hours is the mean time people spend ideally sleeping or in school. (Okay enough with the emphasizing ; you get the idea - we spend an obnoxious amount of time glued to our phones.) But the real question is, Why? Simply, the applications. Teens who have active social media apps are 90% more likely to spend their majority time on their phone as compared to someone who has an imposition on these apps.  A secret that most developers don't reveal is that these apps are literally designed to keep you hook

I asked ChatGPT to Write Me a Blog Post

 Hey everyone! Welcome backzo :) I'm sure we're all familiar with the AI craze going through the charts with the introduction of ChatGPT right? As a fellow AI enthusiast, I have spent a significant amount of time experimenting with it which gave me an idea - why not ask it to write me a mental health blog post? Through this post, I'm going to share the response I got, and throw a little lime light on if it could replace artists once and for all. Without further ado, I present to you, the blog post! Teenage years can be a challenging time for many individuals. It is a period of transition, as adolescents navigate the physical, emotional, and social changes that come with growing up. Unfortunately, this transition can also come with its fair share of stress and mental health concerns. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common mental health issues that teenagers may face and offer tips on how to support them through this critical time. One of the most prevalent me