The Merchant of Venice: An Alternative Ending


Hey everyone and welcome back to #faltufriday of month(I lost count). Oh wait it's month 31!!

Every last Friday of the year I author a completely random post which relates to my personal life.

I read studied The Merchant of Venice for nearly 2 full years during my academic life.
Contrary to the popular opinion of most students, it was a good play. 

I for one really enjoyed reading it for 2 years, anticipating it's ending, and it was one fine Friday, about 3 months before my board exams when I flipped the last page. 

And it was NOT what I expected.
I was plain disappointed to read the last line - especially because GRATIANO said the last line.
My brain went:

"No. Just no. Nuh uh. They did not just. WHY HIM. OVER NERISSA?? THEY WERE'NT EVEN THE MAIN PLOT. Bruh"

(yeah that's pretty accurate)

So, I thought, why not come up with a few alternative endings(to the abridged version we studied) myself?

Just a disclaimer: This post in no way a critic of the original play or of William Shakespeare. I am simply sharing my thoughts on it and my expectations from the play :)

  • Antonio should have had the last line. 
    There should be absolutely no doubt to that.
    The play was literally based on him. HE WAS THE MERCHANT OF VENICE!

  • A wedding.
    Throughout the play, the Bassanio and Portia love story stays constant and plays an important role. They should have shown a wedding in the royal house which would have been both a happy as well as a good closing to the play.
  • Justice for Shylock!
    Agreed he wasn't the sweetest (or the smartest - should have just taken the 30,000 ducats bro) character, but somewhere down the line, you do pity him. He didn't deserve to have his ring, that his late wife gave him, be traded for a monkey by his daughter. It was extreme for the conversion of his race towards the end of the play. It was sad. 
My fellow ICSE Peeps, how would you have liked Merchant of Venice to have ended?
Drop it in the comments below and don't forget to share, follow and subscribe for more, every Friday <3

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


  1. Love merchant of Venice and love this

  2. Agreeee with EVERYTHING
    Antonio had the first line he should have got the last one too.
    Who sells a ring for a MONKEY?? What could she possibly need a monkey for?

    1. Thank you!
      YES the monkey part was incredibly stupid!


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