Dealing with Burn Out

 Hey everyone!

 Welcome back <3

Congratulation to all my fellow ICSE readers, WE SURVIVED BOARDS PART I!

Aaj ka post is a special requested one by many of my batchmates.

I am a person studying in Grade 10 and this entire year, has been SO stressful and have led to several cases of burnout within me However, over time I've learnt a few coping mechanisms, which I wanted to share with you guys-because we all go through it-VERY FREQUENTLY. 

I covered the topic on 'What is Burnout' and today I'll be writing about a few methods I indulged in to bring myself up again! 

Starting off,

Be it catching up on your binging, reading a book, journaling whatever is your way to cool down-DO IT. It's more important now than ever that we work towards getting back to normal. But remember, Study-life balance is really important . Set up your schedule for equal parts school and fun or social activities. And don’t forget to make time for just YOU and  catch up on your missed out sleep!

 Take one step at a time and start rebuilding it up. Get back with your social life, catch up on other extracurriculars, but keep in mind, there are only 24 hours in a day, and you can only do so much within that time. If you’ve got too many tasks on your hands, set realistic goals you can accomplish each day, taking rest into consideration, to avoid further burnout and decision fatigue. 

For the longest time I avoided sports and getting out of the house in general because of studies and big time regret it. I now realise I would have been able to cope during my exams a bit better if I had taken part in some sort of outdoor activity. Don't get me wrong, studies are important of course and a lot of probably did not have time to take up sports at a high level this year, get in at least 15-30 minutes of that after our exams now. It helps.

That was it for today! Hope y'all enjoyed these <3 Let me know in the comments below techniques you guys incorporated to get over stressful periods!

Don't forget to share and comment for more <3

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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