Stage Fright

Palms sweaty. Throat scratchy. Feet shivering.

 Hello and welcome back to a fresh new month <3

    We're all familiar with the term 'Stage Fright' or 'Performance Anxiety' right? 

The irrational fear or anxiety when performing before an audience.

A lot of us may have also experienced this at some point.

I've been a avid dancer ever since I was a kid but that doesn't doesn't imply that I've haven't been a victim to the same. 
It happened to me at a really young age however, I developed methods to overcome the same, which I'll be discussing towards the end of this post.
Keep in mind, today's post is going to be based on a little more general perspective that we all have undergone at some point and not the disorder.
(Do let me know in the comments if you would like me to base a post on the same)

Let's first understand, 

Why does it occur?

Self consciousness, low self esteem, and many more factors.
If y'all have watched the new movie called "Tall Girl 2" on Netflix, you may be able to correlate this post with the same.

"As social creatures, we’re hardwired to worry about our reputation and how others perceive us."
Performing in front of people and the fear of judgement you feel you are prone to people's negative opinions and how they will criticise you if you aren't good enough.

Bio class alert!

When you think about negative consequences the hypothalamus part of your brain, activates and triggers the pituitary gland to secrete the hormone ACTH. This hormone stimulates the adrenal glands in your kidneys and results in the release of adrenaline into your blood. It is at this point in the process when many of us experience the reactions of this process and tend to possess the symptoms mentioned in the first line of this post.

Your brain tricks you into thinking that you aren't prepared and disassociates you.

However, over time there have been new methods that have been devised to combat the same.

Most of y'all might think "Be positive" and "just go over it with someone beforehand and you'll be good to go"-Yes, that does work as great practice but right before performing doesn't really back you with the boost of confidence you require.

Here are few of my personal favourites that help me just before beginning :)

  • Drink Water.
    Anyone who knows me would describe me as the person whose first advice at any situation is to drink water. I for one drink about a gallon? before performing-it really helps me calm my nerves.
  • Break it down.
    If you're supposed to be presenting a  30 minute speech break it down into chunks.
    "I have to get over 10 minutes, thrice or 5 minute 6 times" Take it step by step and focus on yourself and consolidating your thoughts.
    (P.s. this is also something I do in all my classes)
  • Talk to someone.
    My go to person is definitely my best friend who without a fail seems to hype and elevate my fear every time. Go to person who you know will fill you with the much required confidence rather than someone who will fuel the fear. 
Also, this is one method that can help you while practicing:
Talk, Practice and Perform in front of the mirror.

Anyone who does this will for sure tell you that this is one of the most effective tools to gain confidence and perspective on how you're performing and how you can better it.
When performing at the event, imagine the people to be the mirror where you are looking at yourself- don't focus on people's expression - it will only make you more anxious.
Remember, if you see it getting way of your daily life, consider talking to a professional and getting to depth of it's cause.
That was it for today's post! Hope y'all enjoyed it <3
Would definitely recommend watching this ted talk to learn more about the same: Ted Talk!
Drop in your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below and don't forget to share and comment for more!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


  1. Very well articulated. Happens to me to when I sing on stage. I look a bit above the audience.


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