(Face reveal part II!) HELLO EVERYONE!! Welcome to MY TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL #faltufriday BLOG POST!! (okay enough with the screaming now) Thank you so so much to literally everyone out there who has supported me these past 2 years - couldn't have reached here without y'all <3 I took a short poll on my Instagram asking what you all would want for a 2 year special and majority of y'all voted for My reflections and learnings over the past 2 years (without further ado, let's get to it!) To be frank, I actually did not imagine myself writing a blog post for a 2 year special. Not that I didn't see this as a long term project; just didn't hit me 2 years ago when I started out that I would come this far so fast. I know it sounds clichéd, but the first thing I'd say that I learnt from blogging would be perseverance . I'd had both good and bad days, some posts took off and some didn't - but I wouldn't let the ones that didn't break throug