Social Media: A Reminder

 Hey everyone! 

If you're an ardent reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I've authored a few posts based on Social Media and its downsides on our mental health.
(if you're not, don't worry, I'll be linking them all at the end!)

This led me to thinking, what happens after you address a problem?
Yes. You find solutions.

So, in today's post I'll be writing about a few ways to combat the toxicity of social media(in a realistic way). 

Without further ado, let's get to it :)

Number 1

A lot of times, we may have come across posts of people hanging out in big groups and having a lot of fun whereas you're at home studying. Throughout 10th grade I had an excessive feeling of this but then I'd remind myself that my studying is going to get me somewhere. It doesn't mean that having fun is bad, just that I have it scheduled for some other time.

Number 2

Reiterating, staring at the fun people are having at a social event you weren't invited to can be a little disheartening. Though most people suggest simply just unfollowing the other person, when it comes to social customs where you know the other person, chances are you can't really do it. Instead, remind yourself what you have and skip through all the posts. Log off for a while if your social media is full of them; it'll all disappear in 24 hours.

Number 3

The more time you spend on social media, the more you're likely to feel left out. Rather, take up some activity apart from mindless scrolling on the net. Something you're passionate about, something exploratory and set your mind to it. In the long run, you'll feel more accomplished looking at how far you've come which will 100% elate your mood from the ugly feeling of FOMO. This is also how blogging helps me through :)

Number 4

Know this in your head that not everything you see on the net is true. A group of people hanging out might seem fun but you don't know if most of them go home drained. Having the perfect body image may have been photoshopped a million times before. 

You cannot simply shut down social media and cut it out of your life. It's always going to be a part of us, and there are always going to be people posting about their lives on the net. All you can do is simply take a few measures so lessen the burden of FOMO that may be building up inside of you.

Check out my posts on 

Social Media: Here!
Fomo: Here!

That was it for today's post! Hope y'all enjoyed reading it!
Don't forget to share and comment down for more content, every Friday!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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