
Showing posts from January, 2023

CS is a Funny Subject

"Ugh I can't solve this right now, I'll do this as homework." The homework: Stuck to the computer, Eye power going up, “Come outside for dinner” 2 minutes hours - Let me just finish this mock-up! Decoding at two in the morning, With a cup of coffee at the side , How did I fall in love with the subject? Okay, I tried! System.out.println(); Or print(‘I’m gonna win’); The inevitable battle between Java and Python, It’s 3am. Why am I hearing a violin? Gah! This code is killing me, I’m just gonna go sleep now. Binary code and The Matrix in my mind, The answer came up in my dream somehow? Hopped on to the computer, Single handedly making the coffee industry a billionaire, Ladies and Gentlemen, she’s solved the code! It’s time to get out of your sleepwear. From “Hello World”, To a 10th grade ‘Tech'- Tac Toe, A 3 line code, Became a kilo. Can’t wait to study this in the future, Probably going to get a lot worse, But Hey! It pays off at the end It makes your brain a lot m


 Hello everyone and welcome back! Rejection. Hmm. No matter the context, we've all faced this at some point. And regardless to say, it's often led us to spiral into a slump and ultimately give up. Personally, I've been through the same (multiple times), but only my most recent one proved to be otherwise.  The reason: Keep reading! I promise to try my best to keep this post from sounding like a Ted - Talk but nevertheless, I wanted to share with y'all in today's post: Why it's good to face rejection at times. Frankly, getting rejected made me  realise that the rejection was simply an opportunity to do Better and Bigger. It helps you perceive a situation from a new point of view: One which is opposite to the approach you had initially. It's a method of getting (maybe not so impressive) feedback on yourself but giving you the opportunity to better yourself and stand structured criticism. Another important point to note is that it reminds you that you are a huma

Taking Breaks.

 Hey everyone!  Welcome back <3 A couple of month's ago, I had authored a post titled " The Importance of Mental Health Days ", which led me to write on today's blog post. Taking Breaks: Something which we either do extensively, or choose to blissfully ignore until we burn ourselves out :) I've always had a lot of people ask me how I stay so productive, managing academics, blogging and other extracurriculars. Truth is, I learnt it the hard way.  When I was in 6th grade, I was the biggest procrastinator you could ever meet.  I'd put things off until a day before the deadline, and rush to complete them in a haphazard manner, which obviously did not have great outcomes. Jump to 9th grade, I set onto the journey to buckle up my grades.  What I didn't take into account in the beginning was that I immersed myself so much in my studies, that I cut back on the other part of my life.  And naturally, this led to burn out plenty of times.  Only after I began blogg

New Year Resolutions.

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new year!! Who hasn't tried their luck at new year resolutions? Most of us have probably drawn up a list of things we want to accomplish in a year but failed to stick to it, even through January.  What a lot of you may not be aware of is that this can be directly linked to your Mental Health. So, I thought to myself, what would make a better first of the year than this? Without further ado, let's get to it! Why do New Year Resolutions not work out?  A lot of times our goals are shaped by what society expects of us.  An example of the same:  The iconic, 'I'll start gyming everyday'. Some people do this for their own satisfaction, whereas others do it to match societies idea of the 'perfect image'.  I've always been a strong believer of, jo bhi kar rahe ho, apne liye karo. Do what suits you best, for yourself - not others.  Another reason why new year resolutions may not work out is because its unrealistic. Say you