Glow Ups.

 Hello everyone!
    Welcome backzo :)

Aaj ka post is based on something nearly all of us can relate to.

Glow ups.

Tell me I'm not the only one who's guilty of searching "How to have a glow up in 2 weeks" or "How to glow up over the summer" on Pinterest.

Something common that's found in all these posts is that they always indicate weight loss, an insane amount of water intake, face masks and of course, waking up at 5am (bruh how?).

We've all tried our luck at this and frankly, the chances of it working are 1 in a million.

The reason?
They're unrealistic and forced.

When you force yourself to do any activity, there are negligible chances you will enjoy and succeed in it.  

Instead of focussing on frivolous activities such as the above, focus on your present and important things that DO matter in the long run, such as academics (they are not a 100% of your life, but they are important.)

Don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with having a life outside studies; it's very important rather, but you should know what is a priority and not let something unnecessary take over your entire time - such as forced glow ups.

Glow ups are real. And they come at the right time.
Not in the form of your Pinterest and Instagram posts on looks, but your personality. 

Your personality grows when you have a proper glow up and that only comes with times and situations.
(If you know me irl, you would agree with me on this.)
Down the line, being a good person matters more than your looks.

You change everyday. Look forward to a gradual change rather than a certain jerk and take things as they come. Maintain a good lifestyle and trust me, you're good to go.

That was it for today's post! I hope you enjoyed reading and found it relatable. Don't forget to share and subscribe for more content, every Friday!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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