
Showing posts from July, 2023

A realistic guide to overcoming Writer's block.

 Ahoy and welcome back to Month 36(wait...THREE YEARS?!) OF #FALTUFRIDAYS! It's actually hard to believe I've been going on this journey for over 36 months. Nevertheless, there have been times when I've been completely unmotivated to get any writing done; And, my most recent slump led to today's post :) No writer out there has never NOT experienced Writer's Block. And everyone out there has different ways to cope with it. My go-to advice is simply to leave the piece of work alone. But when you're on a deadline, it's tough to do so. So, here are a few (non-cliched) tricks I've learnt (and implemented) over the years; and I hope you can relate to the same! Listen to music that fits your article. We all know music has the power to influence us. Say you're writing a murder mystery that occurs in a cafe. You want to place yourself in the mood of a cafe. Music apps have tons of readymade playlists for such random scenarios in your head.  Though you may not

Dopamine Detox

 I spent nearly 20 hours on Instagram, 15 hours on Youtube and 14 hours on Netflix one week. It's safe to say I suffered from a crippling case of Phone Addiction. Hello everyone and welcome back! The stats you read above is not limited to just me.  Nearly every teenager with an access to social media suffers from the above. I've spoken about Phone addiction   and Doom Scrolling    in my earlier posts but for today's post, I thought, why not share a few tips to overcome the same? Without further ado, Let's dive right into it! Firstly, What is a "Dopamine Detox" and Why is it important? It's reducing the amount of content intake we consume from the tiny little box we carry around in our pockets 24x7. This post is mainly going to focus on Dopamine Detox in relation to social media. Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, Twitter - you name the media - are packed with news and content. Content that keeps you hooked. Content that brings the app, money. Content that makes

Be a Bamboo

 Hey everyone and welcome back to another #be-a series! Last time, I wrote about how we should try to emulate a cockroach and this time, a bamboo! You might be wondering - Why a Bamboo? What's the hidden metaphor lol. Well, that's what I aim to explain in this post.  Without further ado, let's get to it! Have you ever been knocked down so hard that it felt like you couldn't get up and run anymore? Did someone or something hurt you really bad that you felt like it was the end of the world? You were pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed? If so, you share this experience with a bamboo. Bamboos are known for being sturdy and highly flexible; in human terms: resilient.  Bamboo can be twisted and turned and bent and stretched before it reaches its breaking point. No matter how much you push it down - it jumps right up; sort of like a Bobo doll! This is what I encourage you to be.  No matter how hard everything gets, never lose hope to bounce back and fight your battle. Sho

Ted Talks x Mental Health

 Heilo everyone and welcome back to a fresh new month! If you're someone like me who enjoys listening and watching content to reading them (ironically I'm writing this), this blog post is for you. A lot of you have asked me where I draw inspiration from for my blogs.  While a majority of them are inspired by real life, there are quite a few posts that have been prompted by the media that I consume. So for today's blog, I thought, why not share a few of my favourites? Without further ado, here are my top 5 Ted Talks on Mental Health that I would recommend everyone to give a watch once! The lifetime stakes of Teen Mental Health   Dr Roselinde Kaiser explains how adolescence is a developmental window of both risk and enrichment and outlines strategies for teens (and the rest of us) to thrive. This Ted is an apt explanation of the introduction of Mental Struggles among teens and how they can be carried forward to your adulthood if neglected. If you're new to the whole conc