Ted Talks x Mental Health

 Heilo everyone and welcome back to a fresh new month!

If you're someone like me who enjoys listening and watching content to reading them (ironically I'm writing this), this blog post is for you.

A lot of you have asked me where I draw inspiration from for my blogs.
 While a majority of them are inspired by real life, there are quite a few posts that have been prompted by the media that I consume.

So for today's blog, I thought, why not share a few of my favourites?
Without further ado, here are my top 5 Ted Talks on Mental Health that I would recommend everyone to give a watch once!

  1.  Dr Roselinde Kaiser explains how adolescence is a developmental window of both risk and enrichment and outlines strategies for teens (and the rest of us) to thrive.
    This Ted is an apt explanation of the introduction of Mental Struggles among teens and how they can be carried forward to your adulthood if neglected.
    If you're new to the whole concept of "Mental Health", watch this Ted the first.

  2. On masculinity and Mental health

    Entrepreneur Rob Wang draws on his own experience of suicidal depression to explain how misguided notions of masculinity affected his mental health and describes his approach to helping other men in similar situations.

    Mental struggles don't selectively come to a particular gender.
    Anyone can struggle with their Mental Health. 
    Everyone deserves help.

  3. What investigating neural pathways can reveal about mental health

    From the cutting edge of science, Neuroscientist Kay M. Tye shares her latest findings -- including the development of a tool that uses light to activate specific neurons and create dramatic behavioural changes in mice. 

    Your brain creates all facets of your mind. But unfortunately, you can't "pop open the hood" just like that - until now. This Ted delves into the development of the scientific approach to Mental Illnesses and how researchers can learn about the same. If you're someone who loves Machine Learning (or even otherwise!), a must-watch.

  4. The surprising link between stress and memory

    It's the middle of an exam. You know you've seen the word before, but your mind goes blank. What just happened? Elizabeth Cox details the complex relationship between stress and memory.

    A super creative, simple and cute animation that any age group can understand. This is definitely at the top of my list of Ted animations!

  5. Depressed dogs, cats with OCD — what animal madness means for us humans

    Behind those funny animal videos, sometimes, are oddly human-like problems. Laurel Braitman studies non-human animals who exhibit signs of mental health issues -- from compulsive bears to self-destructive rats to monkeys with unlikely friends.

    We all love animals, don't we? But to what extent are we just like them?
    Check out this Ted to find out how we might share more of our mental genes than we think.
Alrighty! That was it for today's blog!
Let me know if you would like to read a part II of it :)
Don't forget to share and follow for more and drop your favourite Ted talks in the comments below - I would love to read them <3

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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