A realistic guide to overcoming Writer's block.

 Ahoy and welcome back to Month 36(wait...THREE YEARS?!) OF #FALTUFRIDAYS!

It's actually hard to believe I've been going on this journey for over 36 months. Nevertheless, there have been times when I've been completely unmotivated to get any writing done; And, my most recent slump led to today's post :)

No writer out there has never NOT experienced Writer's Block.
And everyone out there has different ways to cope with it.

My go-to advice is simply to leave the piece of work alone. But when you're on a deadline, it's tough to do so.
So, here are a few (non-cliched) tricks I've learnt (and implemented) over the years; and I hope you can relate to the same!

  • Listen to music that fits your article.
    We all know music has the power to influence us.
    Say you're writing a murder mystery that occurs in a cafe. You want to place yourself in the mood of a cafe. Music apps have tons of readymade playlists for such random scenarios in your head. 
    Though you may not find the perfect words immediately, as you pen down what you're imagining, the words find a way to you.
  • Address a talk.
    Sometimes, you have the perfect scenario in your head but finding the right words is a bigger challenge. Turn on voice recorder on your phone and just begin talking freely. Imagine you're giving a TED-talk; or better yet, call up a friend and tell them about your idea. When you converse with someone, you're bound to reach your destination faster!
    (But keep in mind not to deviate from the original topic haha)
  • Do the opposite
    (I recommend this ONLY if you have more than a day or 2 for your submissions)
    Need to write a story? Go watch a film or a tv show.
    Need to write a script? Read a book.
    If you try to do the same thing (reading a book to get inspiration for a story), there's a high chance that you'll just get bored. You're already not in that zone and now you're forcing yourself to do the same thing. It's like saying I can't do chemistry right now; I'll just go do biology.
    They're both Science - relatively theoretical in ISC - subjects. If you instead jump to say Computer Science, you'll get into your study zone a lot better!
  • Use title generator websites.
    There are tons on the internet. Hop onto a few and let them give you a few prompts which you can work around. It's always the first step that's the hardest.
  • Accept it.
    Bruh? Didn’t I just spend the whole post telling you how to overcome writer’s block? And now you’re supposed to just accept it?
    You are not a machine. You're not a ChatGPT or Bard. If you expect to write all the time, you're simply burdening yourself with unrealistic expectations!

    Writing is supposed to come from within. The best works are those which are left to cook for a while. And that's why you should not procrastinate any writing assignments!

    The second you get a project or article idea - Write it down.
    It goes a long way when you actually sit in front of your laptop or notebook and pen it out.

    Okie! That was it for today!
    Thank you so much for all the love and support these past 3 years of faltu-fridays :)
    Please stay tuned for my 3 year blog-iversary post and I hope you enjoyed today's post!
Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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