
Showing posts from September, 2023

Music with Really Relatable Lyrics

(Picture Credits: The New York Times)  Hello everyone and aaj ke #faltufriday blog post mei aap ka swaagat hai. Today's post is a literal shower thought but I thought it might be really cool so yay :) (Okay okay I'll get a bit more formal now) Music, as we all know, holds the power to influence us. We connect with it because it connects with us - our life story. So, today's blog is going to be me sharing some of my favourite (and yours!) mental health-related lyrics' of songs :) (Just a friendly reminder that everyone has their own unique taste in music, so let's respect each other's preferences!) And I won't be sharing "my thoughts" or anything on it - I'll leave the interpretation up to you! Let's go :) I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for What was I made for?                                                                 ~Billie Eilish (What was I made for) You showed me a pow

Math and Music

 It's 2am. You're at your study desk with a cup of coffee at your side. You sailed through Matrices; hit a slight bump at derivatives but managed it through and now are entering the most daunting task of them all: Integration. Your only sense of motivation: The Hum Honge Kaamyaab Spotify playlist consisting of Lakshya Title Track and Bhaag Milkha Bhaag Rock version on loop. It's 6am. Congratulations! You successfully fell asleep midway through Partial Fractions! This is what actually happened to me a day before a Math exam :) And you can most probably relate to listening to music while doing math too <3 Because musical transposing involves mental adjustment of notes up or down by a specific amount, it shares cognitive elements with math! Listening to Music while studying Math can be beneficial because, at some level, all music is math. It's about time signatures, beats per minute and formulaic progressions. (Perhaps that's the reason behind the Asian-piano stereo

It's Over...

 I cried after my 10th Grade board exams ended. More recently, I cried once HFSMUN (my school's flagship event) ended. Now before you label me a 'cry baby' or assume that this is the end of my blog (sns not anytime soon!), let me clarify: This post isn't about promoting the benefits of crying (we've already covered that in another blog post ). Instead, my main focus will be on the feeling of "It's All Over", and how to bounce back from such moments. Do you ever feel like you spend so much time, so much hard work over something and suddenly it's over? Countless hours working towards a particular goal and it's done. Like khatam?  And this feeling is even more prominent when it's something you've had on your personal bucket list for the longest time; it's a passion; or a dream. (Okay enough with the emphasis - you get it) This feeling - I have no better way of putting it - sucks. This blog (I hope) serves as the much-needed pep talk w

Is a Fresh Start Always the Best Thing?

 Before starting Junior year, I pledged to myself that I would make it "my year." I would study super hard, I'd make a million friends, and I'd come under the teacher's radar. Jump to September 2022,  I was burnt out. Walking back home with earphones plugged in, I remembered the first line of this post. And then I also realised how incredibly stupid it was of me to think I could ever accomplish it. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't stupid because it was unattainable; it was stupid because it was unsustainable. Many a time, when we wish to just give up everything and "move on" ( start completely fresh), we tend to forget our past and our learnings from it. That is (one of) the biggest mistake we as humans make. Rather than acknowledging a fact, we tend to ignore it and act like nothing happened because after all, Ignorance is Bliss, na? A fresh start shouldn't mean giving up your whole life in pursuit of something new. A fresh start is when yo

Goodbye; High School.

Heylo everyone and welcome to a fresh new month :) I'm back with another poem - born at 18:42pm on a Friday when I had over 17 things on my to-do list but felt like doing nothing but a 'poem rant'. Presenting to you, Goodbye; High School. In all honesty, I have no idea where I’m headed with this. I sit at my table, staring at the screen’s glare, How did it get so complicated? I weep in my despair. 800 pages of Organic Chemistry A pinch of 150 Math sums too, Juggling to complete my research paper, My senses wish adieu. This inevitable pressure to have it all, Does anyone truly? An overcast cloud; unduly. Get good grades, You’ll have an amazing college; How do I manage it all? My mental health - acknowledge? I want to scream and shout and break everything around, But here I sit; Straining my eyes out. The relentless comparison, The fights to be on top, Will YOU ever make up, For the friends, I had to drop? Flustered I cry, Waiting for every day to get by. For a year from now,