Is a Fresh Start Always the Best Thing?

 Before starting Junior year, I pledged to myself that I would make it "my year."
I would study super hard, I'd make a million friends, and I'd come under the teacher's radar.

Jump to September 2022, 
I was burnt out.

Walking back home with earphones plugged in, I remembered the first line of this post.

And then I also realised how incredibly stupid it was of me to think I could ever accomplish it.

Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't stupid because it was unattainable; it was stupid because it was unsustainable.

Many a time, when we wish to just give up everything and "move on" (start completely fresh), we tend to forget our past and our learnings from it.
That is (one of) the biggest mistake we as humans make.

Rather than acknowledging a fact, we tend to ignore it and act like nothing happened because after all,
Ignorance is Bliss, na?

A fresh start shouldn't mean giving up your whole life in pursuit of something new.
A fresh start is when you change your perspective towards life but also treasure the very valuable and important lessons from your past.

Because even if you change, it doesn't guarantee the world will too. And you still need to be cautious. You still need to pick up on social cues. You still have to be diplomatic in certain scenarios.

At the end of the day,
No matter how lost you feel, if you stay true to yourself, the path will always find you again.
~ Enola Holmes 

Don't lose yourself in the way of achieving a particular status. Take small steps everyday and things will work out.

That was it for today! I've been meaning to write this post for quite some time now. Though it may not be my typical "wordy" post, I only had one intention of writing the same :)
Don't forget to share and follow for more!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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