Goodbye; High School.

Heylo everyone and welcome to a fresh new month :)

I'm back with another poem - born at 18:42pm on a Friday when I had over 17 things on my to-do list but felt like doing nothing but a 'poem rant'.

Presenting to you,

Goodbye; High School.

In all honesty,

I have no idea where I’m headed with this.

I sit at my table, staring at the screen’s glare,

How did it get so complicated?

I weep in my despair.

800 pages of Organic Chemistry

A pinch of 150 Math sums too,

Juggling to complete my research paper,

My senses wish adieu.

This inevitable pressure to have it all,

Does anyone truly?

An overcast cloud; unduly.

Get good grades,

You’ll have an amazing college;

How do I manage it all?

My mental health - acknowledge?

I want to scream and shout and break everything around,

But here I sit;

Straining my eyes out.

The relentless comparison,

The fights to be on top,

Will YOU ever make up,

For the friends, I had to drop?

Flustered I cry,

Waiting for every day to get by.

For a year from now, it gets worse,

To high school, I bid goodbye.


I know this style is kind of unorthodox compared to my previous poems, but it was born out of pure frustration and I'm sure most of my high school readers here can relate to it.

I'm currently a senior and have a year till I graduate High School. It hasn't been the best and I know it's going to get worse.
But hey,
Doesn't hurt to put it in a verse?

I'm going to let you have your take on this poem in the comments below and not cloud your judgement with my outlook on it.
(Feel free to overthink the semicolon in the title)
 I hope you enjoyed reading it and don't forget to share and follow for more!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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