
 Have you ever simply thought of a product and it randomly pops onto your Instagram feed?
Welcome to ✨Neuromarketing✨

Let's break the term down first.

Neuro: concerning the brain
Marketing: Well yes, promoting a product or service.

The field of neuromarketing—aka consumer neuroscience—studies the brain to predict and maybe even manipulate consumer behaviour and decision-making. 

As simple as that. 

In the past, decision-making used to be uncomplicated. However, in today's world, consumers are overwhelmed with information, and even the most basic products are surrounded by countless options. Marketers are trying to understand the customer, what they are looking for, and changing their outlook towards a particular product.

Let me give you 2 examples to simplify this concept:

There are more than 200 different brands of bottled water available in India.
Why does someone prefer a Bisleri to Dasani? Can this preference be generalised?
There is no single, straightforward answer to this question.

What further complicates matters is that in the water market, there is a general expectation of consistency across brands, as there is limited room for differentiation in a product that lacks a distinct taste.
 It could be influenced by factors such as packaging, product placement on store shelves, personal past experiences with the product, the reputation of the brand, or a combination of these variables.

Second example:

A product could be branded as "Vegan" or "Cruelty-Free". And while the tiny little asterisk on top may indicate something else, at the very glance, looking at a "green" product changes your perception of the company.

Keep in mind, however, that Neuromarketing isn’t inherently manipulative; it's about understanding people’s real needs and wants. With that knowledge, marketers can develop better products and less wasteful advertising campaigns.

That was the "what" part.
As for the how, I won't spend another 266 words explaining the same rather, leave you with just one photograph that comprehends it in totality:

Source: Harvard Business Review

That was it for today's blog! I hope you enjoyed reading it and found the topic interesting :)
This is a topic of immense passion to me and its certainly a lot more vast than what I've written today - might do a part 2 soon!
Please share and follow for more - it really means a lot to me!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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