The Broken Hot Chocolate Machine

 I've been in college for about over a month now.
In the 40 days I've spent here, I've visited the food hall over 100 times - of which the Hot chocolate machine has been broken for over 90.

Bombay's humidity was quickly replaced by Boston's "Fall" (it's winter guys) and the only thing helping me through the transition was a cup of hot chocolate every morning.

But about 2 weeks in, the hot chocolate machine broke.     

Initially, a piece of paper, closely stuck by tape, lay pressed against the machine: "Hot Chocolate Machine is Broken!
4 weeks in, it's now a laminated sheet of paper, carefully stuck to the machine.

Someone took the time to type it out onto a computer, print it, cut it, have it laminated, and stick it up to the machine. Do you know what they could be doing in that time?
(Hint: getting the machine fixed!)

This post is not about the machine.
(Obviously Kuhu, it's a Mental Health blog - get to the point!)

We often procrastinate our work because we believe that it isn't coming out perfect. We make excuses to not get something started because we live in the constant fear of it being shoddy or "I don't know how to begin it". You overthink - and over-complicate - a situation, imposing an unnecessary sense of panic within yourself.
Imagine what would happen if you didn't. The time and effort spent actually doing the work instead of worrying so much about it.

You can always get back to it. You can always restart. You can always get help.
You're allowed to take some time to plan it out.
But you shouldn't let yourself be paralysed by the inability to get that work started.
Your time is valuable. Don't spend it panicking. 

    That was it for today's blog! Hopefully, this post goes viral within the dining system and they finally get the Hot chocolate machine fixed! (P.S. In no way was I conveying that they haven't made the effort to start the process to have it fixed yet!)
I hope you all had a wonderful World Mental Health Day - stay safe, take care of yourself and don't forget to share and follow for more content!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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