
Showing posts matching the search for anxiety

Anxiety- Does it Exist?

  Anxiety: Calling We're all familiar with the term "anxiety" but do we really know what it exactly is? Everyone just says "I'm having so much anxiety" or "Mujhe anxiety hai" without really knowing voh hai kya.  I recently came across a few people who not only did not know anxiety was, but also refused to believe that something like that existed. I was appalled after they left. I mean not only do you not know what it is but tumhe believe hi nahi karna hai that it is something!  When I asked them what they thought anxiety   was, they said it was just a "technical term" used by this generation  to act cool and stuff and an excuse to get out of personal and social responsibilities. I was like-What?! I was totally stunned that there are some people who are clueless about it and then make such comments I mean-?? So, I decided to play my part and help spread awareness on what it actually is and what you can do to help. What is "Anxiety&quo

Anxious Vs Anxiety

Recently, I came across a post on Instagram which was entitled 'things you do when you have anxiety' and honestly it just irked me so much on how they had gotten the entire concept of it wrong and were spreading the wrong idea.  What the video described was ' being anxious'  and not 'anxiety'  and the entire comments section was flooded with it.  After a couple of days of really thinking it through, I knew I had to write on this because the misconception is still prevalent and NEEDS to be debunked. What is 'Being Anxious' ? You could say its another name for 'stress' or an appropriate response to a stressful situation. It doesn’t manifest often, and it’s suitable to what’s going on. People feel concerned or anxious about some thing, however it passes, and it doesn’t intervene with different areas of life. You get anxious earlier than an crucial examination or an occasion however it would not stick alongside for later; which is the case in havin

Social Anxiety-What exactly is it?

 Hey! Welcome back everyone! Social Anxiety. A lot of us are more or less familiar with this term. We've heard it at school, we've heard it at parties-however, a lot of us have often used this as an interchangeable term with "shyness". I saw this getting very common hence thought, why not help clear out some confusions we have about this topic? First thing first, What is "Social Anxiety"? We all recognize the sensation of being frightened or uncomfortable in a social situation. Maybe you’ve clammed up when meeting a new person  or gotten sweaty hands before presenting a big presentation. Public speaking or walking right into a roomful of strangers isn’t very exciting for anybody, however most people can get through it easily-unlike the case in people having Social Anxiety. Social anxiety disorder, sometimes also known social phobia, is an type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear and fright in social situations.  People suffering from it tend to have

Good Anxiety vs Bad Anxiety

 Heylo everyone! Welcome back!! I have been receiving numerous number of dm's saying that they haven't seen a post on Anxiety recently😂  So here you go :)  A post yet again on Anxiety! Aaj ka post is based on something I learnt recently and has helped me quite a lot. Anxiety, as we all know can be described as a change in the thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions and actions of a person. Its the change in thoughts of an apprehensive being for the worst. You intend on imagining the worst case scenario instead of focusing on the present.  Now general anxiety can be classified into to parts-good and bad; not something we're all familiar with right? (A lot of us think it's just hyperventilation and a constant state of panic-nope!) Let me explain the difference with an example: "Test anxiety" A certain amount of anxiety to an extent is good. It alerts your brain to take responsible decisions and think things from all perspectives before going through it.  Speaking

What's Causing So Much Anxiety in Students?

Anxiety or the feeling of anxiousness has become a constant issue among students of this age. School can be rife with stress, disquietude and worry. Not just academically, even social situations and norms have caused a steep rise in anxiety among the youth. Keeping up with futile trends, having the perfect image, interpersonal issues as well as peer pressure has played a key role in the up rise of this mental health illness.  So then the question arises, "If this is that common, where do we even know where this originates from?" The answer is simple-everywhere. The environment the youth is exposed to has multiple repercussions-one of which include anxiety. It can come from something that is happening in school, something that is happening online or even something at home. These three places are the most places where an adolescent spends 90% of time in; and that is where this can arise.  For most cases, one sees the first signs of anxiety are seen between the ages of kindergar

Post Lockdown Anxiety

Hey everyone! Welcome back to yet another post on anxiety :) A lot of you may have seen the coronavirus cases on a rise again and have gotten back into lockdown. Though people are getting vaccinated at a large scale, to control the sudden spread, we all are yet again confined to our homes. This thing may continue for a while; but what happens after that? The world will slowly open up again and it has caused a lot of people to ponder over the thought of getting back together with people and being social. For most teens suffering with social anxiety and other mental health issues, it hasn't been very easy. I recently came across a post on social media which spoke about "Post Lockdown Anxiety" and found out this is a very real thing affecting loads of people; which is why I decided to throw some limelight on it. Without further ado, lets get to it.  "Post Anxiety Lockdown" The term literally   means the anxious feeling one gets once everything goes back to normal.

Math Anxiety

  Hello everyone and welcome back! Just to be clear, this isn't an entirely different subfield of Anxiety, as in the disorder, rather just another 'type' of anxiousness we feel - similar to Eco Anxiety ; up to the level of being scared of it. I had this period too. I used to cry before exams, begging for some miracle to occur. After research, I found out that Maths particularly is one subject whose incomprehension attacks us the most.  The reason:  Maths is a whole other language .  Though you'll find some English in it, majority of it is just a bunch of random symbols making sense. What is "Math Anxiety" and its Impact? Maths anxiety can also be called as a feeling of tension and apprehension that interferes with performance ability, especially in math, and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situations. Math anxiety is more than just feeling nervous about doing math. It's feeling anxious about everything r

I asked ChatGPT to Write Me a Blog Post

 Hey everyone! Welcome backzo :) I'm sure we're all familiar with the AI craze going through the charts with the introduction of ChatGPT right? As a fellow AI enthusiast, I have spent a significant amount of time experimenting with it which gave me an idea - why not ask it to write me a mental health blog post? Through this post, I'm going to share the response I got, and throw a little lime light on if it could replace artists once and for all. Without further ado, I present to you, the blog post! Teenage years can be a challenging time for many individuals. It is a period of transition, as adolescents navigate the physical, emotional, and social changes that come with growing up. Unfortunately, this transition can also come with its fair share of stress and mental health concerns. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common mental health issues that teenagers may face and offer tips on how to support them through this critical time. One of the most prevalent me

Surviving an Anxiety Attack-Part I

AAA Happy New Year Everyone!! This is my first post for the year and I wanted it to be something personal so here we go :) Anxiety Attacks are pretty common amongst people suffering from an Anxiety Disorder. I know this because I am one suffering from it and tbh, its really not easy on us when they start acting up. We go through so many excessive, random, worrying thoughts which a lot times we aren't able to cope up with at that moment.  I mean for the longest time I didn't even know I had it and would just find excuses and methods to come out the weird feeling which somehow helped me a lot. Which is why, I wanted to share my tips and tricks on how you can fight or overcome an upcoming anxiety attack when you don't have someone present around you (physically). So, lets get to it :) I initially heard of this method in a T.V. show I was binging where the character too had an Anxiety Disorder. I know it might sound kinda dumb but I decided to give this method a try after they


Eco-Anxiety.     Not something a lot of us have heard of, right? I didn't either. Today's post is based on something I first came across on my Instagram feed but later actually saw it occurring in front of my eyes.  It aroused the question within me-is this really a thing? As usual, went up and read extensively about it and was flabbergasted to know that this in fact is a very real thing and chose to write a post on it :p Here we go :) To start off with the obvious question, What is "Eco-Anxiety"? More of a concept rather than a branch of anxiety, Eco-Anxiety is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the challenges of climate change and the concern about the environment's state. It is the helplessness that makes one see themselves as simply one insignificant entity on the planet, not being able to reverse the crisis. It is likewise the experience that no matter how hard we work, nothing will ever be enough. It makes one feel powerless in opposition to a supposedly im

How to Help Someone Undergoing an Anxiety Attack?

 Hello everyone! Welcome back to yet another post based on anxiety :) If you've read my earlier posts, you may have come across one where I gave a few tips on how one can deal with an anxiety attack when they are alone.  However, I had a lot of people come to me and say, "I don't have anxiety but a friend of mine does and often gets these types of attacks. When they do, I am often unaware on how to comfort them. Do you have any tips?" To answer this question, I decided to write a post on this topic so that in the future if one encounters such a situation, they know how to deal with it and solace the victim. Note: These may not apply to everyone and different people have different coping mechanisms. These are just a few ones which have helped me and a few friends of mine.  One of the most common symptoms that is visible during an anxiety attack is discomfort and difficulty in breathing. One might go through palpitations or problems in breathing-which is something you s

How to deal with an Anxiety Attack: In public

 Hey everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month <3 Here's another post based on Anxiety :) Okay so, a lot of people have sent me messages in response to my other posts covering various aspects of Anxiety and this was one of the top. Dealing with an attack in public. I have had my share of dealing with Anxiety attacks since 8th grade. As anyone would describe me-a SUPER introverted person- I don't disclose when I'm undergoing one. To combat them, I have learnt/developed a few tricks or rather 'grounding methods' to help me get through one. Here are my top 3: 5-4-3-2-1 trick I had also included this in a prior post and have written about it here as well for the sole reason of its effectiveness. 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste(even water works) Read about why its one of the best ways to deal with an attack: here This is one which gets me through most of my attacks and is also one which

Should Schools Take Mental Health Seriously?

Hey Everyone! With the 'back to school' mode beginning for almost all of us here's a post based on it!   School can be rife with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and even burnout-but there's often no fixed policy for students who need to prioritize their well-being.  Mental Health has often been one of the most neglected topics that a majority of schools ignore. There are plenty of educational institutions all over the world which do take this seriously, however not all. The term "Mental Health" is itself stigmatized in a majority of places. People do not speak up about it and are scared to even open up about it in the fear of judgement.  Where does the problem even begin? We as students, spend almost most of our time either at home or at school. The age group of 12-18 is most likely to develop symptoms that may affect one's mental health during this age due to a number of reasons. It could be due to something at home or stress, tension, pressure, etc. from


 Heyy everyone! Welcome back to month 9 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random. Today's post is not like any regular faltu friday because today is a special one! A lot of you might have come across me hyping up about a surprise post on my socials-well wait no longer :) Today's post is a collaborative one with a likeminded friend of mine, Aanya Lodha :) Aanya, is a 14 year old attending Oberoi International School. She previously ran a mental health account on Instagram, @teen.trauma , but is currently taking a break from that. She loves doing what any teenager does; listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with her friends and family. She's not a professional and has never struggled with her mental health, but she knows many people that did, which is part of what made her so interested in starting her account, which promotes and educates people on mental health, in the first place. Her zeal towards educating had also played a role in inspired

How To Survive An Anxiety Attack-Part II

 Hey Everyone! Welcome back to a fresh new month! Earlier this year, I had written a post on the same topic which brought in multiple new and unique responses. These were really insightful and simple techniques which I have implemented during my attacks and worked wonders, so I wanted to share a few of them with you guys :) (In case you missed out on the first part, don't worry, I'll drop in the link at the end of this post where you can check it out!) Without further ado, lets get to it :) This is one trick that has always seem to do the trick for me. Here's how it goes: 5 things you can see  4 things you can hear 3 things you can feel   2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste The main reason this works is because unknowingly you distract your mind by focussing on other things away from the oncoming attack. Try making sure these are different types of things; for example, when you're touching something, seek for differently textured and temperature objects. Or any