Anxious Vs Anxiety

Recently, I came across a post on Instagram which was entitled 'things you do when you have anxiety' and honestly it just irked me so much on how they had gotten the entire concept of it wrong and were spreading the wrong idea. 

What the video described was 'being anxious'  and not 'anxiety' and the entire comments section was flooded with it. 

After a couple of days of really thinking it through, I knew I had to write on this because the misconception is still prevalent and NEEDS to be debunked.

What is 'Being Anxious' ?

You could say its another name for 'stress' or an appropriate response to a stressful situation. It doesn’t manifest often, and it’s suitable to what’s going on. People feel concerned or anxious about some thing, however it passes, and it doesn’t intervene with different areas of life.

You get anxious earlier than an crucial examination or an occasion however it would not stick alongside for later; which is the case in having an anxiety disorder.

What is 'Anxiety' ?

Well the common definition would be that it is a non-medical term that refers to a feeling of fear or worry that often relates to a particular issue or concern.

 To elaborate, Anxiety is just a category of  'mental health' which often leads to or is caused due to excessive fear, nervousness or worry.  And its pretty common. It's mostly self-diagnostic but at times you may not realize that you have it until a specialist tells you so.  Anxiety in simple terms is a "response" to an imaginative scenario you make up in your head. You might think of the worst case scenario of a mere situation which often leads to consequences such as hyperventilating and such.

How to spot the difference?

Ask yourself. Is this feeling going to affect you after the event? Will it affect your day to day life? How long have you been feeling this way before the event?  

You might just be stressed if this feeling goes after a while and you don't care much about it later. It doesn't affect you physically as it does while having Anxiety. While being anxious about an outcome you might bite your nails or tap your feet excessively or keep fixing your hair and small stuff like that. You may keep asking yourself 'what if' questions like "what if I fail the test" or "what if I don't attend the party(fomo)". Being anxious does not meddle in your day to day life and they usually pass very quickly.

On the other hand,
 when having an anxiety disorder, excessive tension and fear aren’t the only signs and symptoms. There are different physical signs and symptoms, too: dizziness, light-headedness, sweating, trembling, heart pounding, headaches and nausea. You feel like you can’t breathe, can’t communicate or need to visit the rest room frequently. People with tension additionally file feeling detachment or disconnected from reality. They feel like they can’t assume directly and have difficulty concentrating. Other mental signs and symptoms also are present. We revel in racing on negative thoughts and are not able to pay attention and feature concerns approximately every day things.

Either ways, if you feel it building up, don't hesitate to ask for help, because you never know when that anxious feeling might just turn into anxiety.

Give these links a read if you want to know more about these topics:

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issue but it should not be confused with the typical feeling of anxiousness. This will only undermine the severity of the issue, which burdens the victims of the disorder.
Okay! So that was it for today. My main purpose here was the inform you all on the difference that exists between these two topics rather than the causes, effects, etc. about it.

Don't forget to share and subscribe and stay tuned for more every friday!!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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