I'm So Stressed


Welcome back!

C’mon, we’ve all experienced this at least once in our life. Whether it’s for an exam or a competition, we’ve all had a nervous breakdown a day before or gotten that weird feeling in our gut, haven’t we?

Well, trust me when I say that it's normal.

It happens to a lot of people mostly because they’re anxious about the outcome. Some of you might also experience it if you come from a family or school that puts a lot of pressure on you. A lot of you guys might spend time worrying about the result rather than actually working hard and implementing it.

I’ve seen a lot of people go through this kind of thing and have learned a lot of coping mechanisms too. 

Some of my favourites would include-

  •   Taking breaks: Don’t overexert yourself because you will lose focus over time and won’t be able to concentrate. Ultimately, you’ll end up forgetting the stuff you learnt which’ll build more stress.
  •  Making notes: I started doing this ever since I was in 6th grade and trust me it helps a lot. You can remember better through short terms and mnemonics and nevertheless, it has been proved that writing down stuff helps you memorize better.
  • Colouring: I know it may sound kinda dumb but it’s quite therapeutic.
  • Window shopping: Now this one is a personal favourite because it naturally calms me down. It may sound weird, but it helps a lot of people get through stress/panic attacks by gazing at stationary.
  • Music: Play your jam and calm yourself down. Imagine scenarios, make playlists, dance and just freak out. It works every time for me  and it's one of the best stress buster I've come across. 
  •  Last but not least, Writing: I’m not an extraordinary author when it comes to writing. I frankly just drink a glass of water, take a piece of paper and start penning down my thoughts. Any random thing. It really helps you calm yourself down and get your head straight.

One thing you should remember is that you cannot use this all the time. It becomes an excuse then. Preparing beforehand and revising before the event is your key to acing it. 

And in the end, if you still feel under-prepared, just read through everything one last time and believe in yourself; because you worked on it and you will do your best and that's what matters.

I go through the same thing too and believe me, a lot of people have given me similar advice.

Drop your experience and thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share and subscribe for more content.

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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