Teacher Cyber-bullying


Something that has become prevalent now more than ever; another type of cyber-bullying, ‘teacher bullying’ is literally the act of teasing them online.

 We all know that social media urges people to act impulsively online. A lot of people make accounts by their teachers’ name or post their pictures online or make ‘memes’ out of them. It might make you laugh or might feel relatable but you need to know when to draw the line. There are some which are simply offensive and cannot be tolerated at any cost.

How can you stop?

  • Stop posting their pictures on your story with weird filters and stuff because it's RUDE!
  •   Probably show them SOME respect? I don’t think its so hard. They’re working on a platform completely new to them to teach YOU and they are trying their best. It is disappointing to see how we treat them after what they do to help us.
  •  Try putting yourself in their shoes. They just want what’s best for us and it’s kinda disheartening that we don’t appreciate their efforts enough.

 If you are a perpetrator, or even know someone doing this, you should immediately stop and/or delete their pictures from social media and be less of a jerk.

 Its a serious issue nowadays and needs to have some light thrown on it.

Drop your thoughts on this topic and please share and subscribe for more content.

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


  1. This has happened before and my friends and I stopped that person. It's great you're writing about this and mentioning things in this blog that usually aren't discussed.

  2. Honestly, i feel the most of teachers' efforts are not given any worth through online classes and it's important we as students appreciate everything they're trying to do for us.

    1. Yes I agree with you. We should appreciate their efforts more!!

  3. Yes indeed. Need to not do it. Good post.

  4. Its important to understand!! Only a mature mind thinks so..

  5. Novel topic, novel problem, an important one to bring up nevertheless. Public pressure to behave well, and the fear of social shame is the best antidote to bad behaviour.

  6. Teachers have been the mainstays of civilizations. Unless they educate the next generation, the society cannot move forward, since they are the one teaching to make a doctor, engineer, law maker or a civil servant. So to insult a teacher is ultimately going to end in loss of proper education.
    In the current scenario, the way the teachers had to adapt to a complete overhaul of teaching medium is praiseworthy. Suddenly, they had to change their entire teaching module to a tech savvy distance learning way, and they have come up with novel ways. So, kudos to all the educators out there!
    Well done Kuhu, for your thoughtfulness to come out in support of all the teachers.


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