
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Fragrance of Pujo

Heyy! Welcome back to month 3 of  'Faltu Friday' where I talk about something totally random. Today I wanted to talk about my most awaited part of the year- Durga Puja. It's one of my favourite part of the year and the reason my blog is so successful. Welcoming Deity Durga along with her children year after year with grand spectacle has become a major part of our lives. The very journey of picking up the idol from maath to the visarjan is something that makes Durga Pujo so wholesome. The atmosphere of pujo outside Kolkata is analogous. Durga Puja in Mumbai is not completely based on idol worshipping but also making the festival lively with intricate detailing in all aspects. Right from the design and theme of the pandal up to the cultural programs, every preparation is made so much in advance which makes Durga pujo so much more exhilarating.  Personally, my most cherished aspect of Pujo is the variety of food stalls. ‘Anandamela’, the day when we put up stalls and sell a

The Wheel of Emotions

This wheel was created by Robert Plutchik to illustrate different sentiments and responses a person has to different situations. We often tend to have have a mixture of feelings when something surprising or stupefied comes across. Whether its good marks in an exam which you thought you would fail or you're having an anxiety attack or simply just a surprise party. There's this mix of emotions which cannot be expressed in words because of the overwhelming feeling that comes on us. We often tend to be nonplussed and perplexed when such kind of circumstances fall upon us that we end up reacting completely different from what we are feeling.  Let me draw a picture for you. Imagine, you're up till 1am studying for an exam the next day. You're stressed because it's a really important. You're crying and studying and trying to cope with the great stress but you ultimately come to stop and decide to sleep. Next morning you give the exam. There's this blend of relief b

Mental Health during a Pandemic

  Heyy! Welcome back! I tried avoiding writing about this topic for a really long time mostly cause I didn't know how it felt to go through it until I had a conversation with my friend on this topic. We came across a post on social media based on this topic and how its affected innumerable number of people who are confined in their homes. Staying alone with your thoughts is itself a scary thing. But for over 7 months?! That is literally a devil's workshop. A lot of people weren't allowed to leave their homes for natural reasons. This has led a lot of people to overthink and has caused a lot of people's mental health to be scarred. Numerous types of anxieties and stress have developed over the course of these 7 months and  in some cases it has gotten serious. People have drifted apart whereas some have gotten really close. I relate to that because people whom I didn't even know last year are now one of my best friends! Nevertheless, I wanna discuss about a few activi

A Bad Day

  Heyy!! Welcome back!! We've all had our ups and downs. Whether it's a bad day at home or at school, there are some days which just aren't yours. Perhaps you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or got scolded for something or just felt lonely. Maybe you felt like Antonio from 'The Merchant Of Venice' who didn't know the reason for his melancholic mood.  You should know that's its completely fine and we all go through it very often. Nevertheless, the bigger question is how to overcome it. I have jotted down a few of my favourite ways on how I like to de-stress at the end of a bad day. My most preferred one is binging TV shows. I make myself a tub of popcorn and start binging 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S'. Its one of my favourite shows and it goes without saying how iconic it is. It lightens up my mood in a few minutes and helps me forget about the stressful day I had. Another one I'm very fond of is Talking. Sharing what you feel with a friend or trusted pers


  Heyy! So one of my favourite pass time of all time. Sleeping. I'd doze off any time, anywhere regardless of what time it is. A lot of you might.                                                                                     Feeling low-Sleep                                                                                                                                 Stressed over something-Sleep                              Have an exam the next day-Sleep Had a long day-SLEEP! Sleeping is an extremely vital thing for us which a majority of us fail to follow. It is as important to us as drinking, eating and breathing. I'm not gonna get much into detail about how it's beneficial for us physically rather I would like to tell ya'll something about how it affects you mentally. 1)   I cannot emphasize this enough but sleeping really calms you down. Nervous about an exam? Having an anxiety attack? Change into your comfy ware and SLEEP! Doesn't matter if it's a