Body Shaming

So I've genuinely lost the number of times I've witnessed this in front of my eyes. It's not something that's been recently started; its been there for long.  And the fact that it's still there- even after everything going on in the world- its just wOw.

I mean like what do you get from it? Why do you wanna demean another person for their appearance? Like what happiness does it get you by criticizing another person on the basis of how they look?!
What it doesn't match the level of  society's 'perfect body'?

"God! They're  so fat. What a pig" or "They're so skinny man. Such a stick." 

I've heard these comments no kidding- 

Hence, I've decided to play my part in spreading awareness on how to avoid making such comments and why it's hurtful.

First to answer the main question-

What is Body Shaming?

We know the basic definition; commenting something on a persons body in a negative view.  It is indeed another type of bullying but something that is slightly more serious when pushed to an extent.

Hmm.. What's the cause?

There's only one answer to this- Mentality. It's stuck in a persons head ki that girls have to 'thin and slender' and all guys need to have 'biceps and 6 packs and be as tall as Mount Everest'. Well guess what?  You're wrong :)

People can be just the way they wanna be cause they're perfect.

Lot of people have a reason behind them not being 'the perfect shape' which is completely normal.

The role of Social Media

Social Media plays one of the most important role in both promoting as well as impeding role in this issue.

It can be perceived from two perspectives. 

One person who surrounds themselves with posts that demote having the 'perfect shape' that reaches societies level and the other, who is constantly shown posts that promote having the 'ideal shape'. With almost half your life is now dependent on technology, portraying yourself on social media has become more important than how you present yourself irl. 

Usage of apps that add fake effects and filters so that you look more 'acceptable' is frankly so stupid. Like just why? Embrace yourself man. 

Another one would include backhanded comments.
Say a person posts something pertaining to this topic, there's always that one person who has to comment something like this-

"I'm so proud of you for posting this. It must be hard for you."

Like what do you mean by that? 

What are its repercussions? 

Multiple which I can't even comprehend. 

People that have been riduculed due to their weight often tend to go on absurd diets and crazy workouts without anticipating the effect it will cause on both your mental and physical health. Dieting sets up unreasonable expectations for depriving yourself of food and tolerating high levels of hunger which is totally unnecessary.

Low self confidence is another effect of  Body Shaming. People tend to care more about how they're on the outside rather than shaping their personality that would actually determine what kind of a person they are. 

Why should you stop it?

Tbh, you don't really get a say in how a person wants to be seen as.
If you wanna spend hours at the gym shaping yourself, Go for it!
On the other hand, if you don't wanna match up to 'society's level', its completely fine!

See there's also a limit okay. I mean you shouldn't be obese as it can lead to various health problems. If you're a few kg's above or below the average size, you're good to go!

This goes out to everyone whose ever faced something like this-

You're freaking perfect.
Don't let people's opinions affect you. 

I've actually gone through something like this and can low-key relate on such a high level and trust me its not worth it.  So, I guess, just stop it if you are? Cause its really hurtful man.

Don't forget to share and subscribe for more content and drop your views on this topic.

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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