
Showing posts from December, 2020

T.V. Show Recommendations

  Ok first things first, wishing y'all a very Merry Christmas. Welcome back to month 5 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random.  I took your suggestions and lot of ya'll wanted to know my top 5 show recommendations so here we go :) Number 5: The Good Place I've personally been really fond of this show since last year because its so different from the others. The entire concept and characters of the story is just incredible. T he first season follows Eleanor Shellstrop , a lady invited after her demise to "the Good Place", a profoundly particular Heaven-like perfect world planned and run by eternity "draftsman" Michael as a compensation for her upright life. The Good Place is where the individuals who have been acceptable for the duration of their lives go whenever they have died. At the point when Eleanor shows up at the Good Place, she understands she has been confused with another person, and looks for help from another companion to

Stop "Glorifying" OCD

It's not what we often mistake for it to be. Its not just another term for "organized".  Obsessive and compulsive traits on their own are not a mental illness — we all have things that perhaps we obsess over. But for a person with OCD they can’t just “snap out of it.” .The brain of a person with OCD actually functions differently, essentially getting “stuck” on a thought. These thoughts are linked with intense anxiety driving the individual with OCD to engage in compulsive behaviour which is their only escape. The way OCD is portrayed is the worst. What exactly is "OCD"? Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that influences human beings of every age and walks of life, and takes place when someone gets stuck in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that cause intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviours an individual engages in to try to get rid of the obsession

Self Care Myths

  What is Self Care? The definition of 'Self Care' and what it is has often been misunderstood by a lot of people.  It is any activity you deliberately do in order to take care of your emotional and physical well-being.  It's not particularly taking a bath in a bathtub with candles and stuff and neither is it just binging Netflix all day long.   The term Self care has been a misconception which is why I've decided to debunk Top 5 Self Care Myths that have existed but make no sense. Believing that self-care is selfish is a relationally based myth that has roots in idolizing self-sacrifice over caretaking. The words “guilt” and “selfish”  are used synonymously when it comes to self-care. The reality is that we cannot be present for others or ourselves when we don’t take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. To reframe, self-care is really not 100% about you. It is about being able to attend to your needs so you can show up in the best way possible for o

Self Doubt

  Lack of Self Confidence is something I have personally gone through(still do :P)  in my life and honestly it's as annoying as it sounds. We all go through it at some point or other, but that's not what I wanna talk about. I'm not gonna focus on the common timidity rather, on the condition where we tend to overthink our decisions to such a length, that it ends up harming our Mental Health . What if I mess up? I'll make a fool of myself? What will people say?  I'm just not smart enough, talented enough, capable enough, experienced enough? These thoughts often tend to cross our minds the second we take a decision. I am guilty as charged.  What is "Self Doubt"? The ideal definition- Self-doubt occurs when we lack confidence or feel incapable of doing things we need to do.  This we all know; which is the common condition.  This in fact is the reason on how it can grow and literally take over your mind.  It is the condition where we tend to hesitate or vacilla