Self Care Myths


What is Self Care?

The definition of 'Self Care' and what it is has often been misunderstood by a lot of people. 

It is any activity you deliberately do in order to take care of your emotional and physical well-being. 

It's not particularly taking a bath in a bathtub with candles and stuff and neither is it just binging Netflix all day long.

 The term Self care has been a misconception which is why I've decided to debunk Top 5 Self Care Myths that have existed but make no sense.

Believing that self-care is selfish is a relationally based myth that has roots in idolizing self-sacrifice over caretaking. The words “guilt” and “selfish”  are used synonymously when it comes to self-care. The reality is that we cannot be present for others or ourselves when we don’t take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. To reframe, self-care is really not 100% about you. It is about being able to attend to your needs so you can show up in the best way possible for others.

Self-care is a human behaviour. There is no product that we can purchase that will take our burnout or anxiety away. So-called self-care products might be a nice splurge every now and again, but the reality is that self-care has become a commercial endeavour, and businesses are far more concerned with making money than with the health of an individual, so buyer beware. Wallet-friendly options for self-care can include, depending on your needs: taking a walk outside; calling up a friend or family member to talk; or pursuing a creative project that brings you fulfilment.

Okay not only is that kinda sexist, but also pretty dumb. Self Care isn't something that has to be followed by a particular gender because it prevents or foils the others from something they want to do. You start getting 'judged' for taking care of yourself. Regardless of gender, everyone gets stressed and overwhelmed at some point and needs to have a few moments set aside to decompress. No matter your gender identity, self-care is beneficial to your overall mental health. Don’t worry about the stereotypically male or female self-care trends; do what makes YOU relax.  

Its Not. We all have challenges and stressors in our lives but the way we each handle those issues is different.  The ways we unwind and recharge vary from person to person. For some, scheduling a golf outing or hike might be the ticket whereas for others, a yoga class or massage is what they need to get back on track.  Some people need to carve out time to meditate or just to take a nap.  Self-care is different for each person.

You should make time for yourself. If self care takes time then you should have time or make time for it because no-one else but you is going to benefit from it. Also, Self-Care doesn't really take up that much time as the myth goes. Its more of quality over quantity. If 10 minutes of meditation is enough for you. Self Care. If you prefer keeping one day a week or month to rejuvenate yourself, Self Care🙌

It isn't just drinking water and going to sleep early. Self care is taking a break when things become overwhelming, saying no to things you do not want to do, allowing yourself to cry, asking for help and doing things that make you happy. 

Its an essential, not a luxury. 

Drop your ways on how you indulge in Self-Care and don't forget to share and subscribe for more content every Friday. Drop off some suggestions for next week's post and stay tuned!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


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