Self Doubt


Lack of Self Confidence is something I have personally gone through(still do :P)  in my life and honestly it's as annoying as it sounds.

We all go through it at some point or other, but that's not what I wanna talk about. I'm not gonna focus on the common timidity rather, on the condition where we tend to overthink our decisions to such a length, that it ends up harming our Mental Health.

What if I mess up? I'll make a fool of myself? What will people say?  I'm just not smart enough, talented enough, capable enough, experienced enough?

These thoughts often tend to cross our minds the second we take a decision. I am guilty as charged. 

What is "Self Doubt"?

The ideal definition- Self-doubt occurs when we lack confidence or feel incapable of doing things we need to do. 
This we all know; which is the common condition. 
This in fact is the reason on how it can grow and literally take over your mind. 

It is the condition where we tend to hesitate or vacillate over even the slightest of decision like choosing an ice-cream topping.
You would jump from thought to thought "analyzing" why you should choose a particular topping rather than just choosing one and getting it over with.
You lose faith in yourself, having no confidence in your abilities and decisions.

“I shouldn’t”—The Impostor Syndrome

The impostor syndrome is strongly connected to self-doubt. It describes the unreasonable feeling of being a fraud in disguise, with achievements gotten through luck rather than personal ability or effort. You feel that it’s only a matter of time until people around you discover this and reveal your true self.

"I shouldn't do it. I might embarrass myself" 

The most frequent question we ask ourselves before performing a task. 
The other person should go first and then I'll follow their footsteps.

How can you overcome "Self Doubt"?

Well, there isn't just "one" solution to it. 
It's different in different people's cases and often can be recovered by small activities.
 The one which has helped me a lot to overcome the fear of self doubt is just doing it. Take a deep breath and just do it! You'll do it once, you'll do it another time and BAM! You learn how to control and abandon that feeling. Another one would be surrounding yourself with supportive people. People who would give you the slight push to reach that goal. I'm honestly so grateful for those people in my life because if not for them, I would never even be creating this blog!

In conclusion, manifest your fear and win over the situation because its awesome. Once you conquer your phobia there's nothing stopping you. Get out the "What if I mess up" and get in the "So what if I mess up? At least I tried".

So, that was it for today! Drop your thoughts and some unique methods in which you overcame your self doubt and don't forget to share and subscribe for more content every Friday! Stay tuned!!

Signing off,
Kuhu :)


  1. This post was wonderful... I enjoyed it. Can u make your next blog about conflicted feelings... like having a question about every decision. Thanks :)

    1. Sure! Thank you so much for the suggestion. I'll surely write about it soon <3

  2. Ummm...i read your blog and i must say its really inspiring.
    p.s. i can totally relate to the blog.

  3. Ummm...i read your blog and i must say its really inspiring.
    p.s. i can totally relate to the blog.

  4. the worst part of self doubt is that sometimes it influences others who lack self confidence. An individual trying to help someone who has zero faith in themselves can sometimes end up questioning their own beliefs and actions and end up entering the cycle of hopelessness. It's important for all of us to stand firm on our goals and actions to not only help ourselves, but to help others overcome their own self doubt. Very well written, keep it up!!


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