
Showing posts from February, 2021

Am I Doing Everything Wrong?

  Am I doing everything wrong? Why can't I ever get it right? Is this not the correct way? "Oh my God, just get up and fight." It's been so long I can't seem to do it  I feel like giving up She says "Shut up, go for a run and get mentally fit!" They will laugh at me They'll talk behind my back "So what?" she said, "Just go and have a snack." I'm doing this wrong I have the instinct  This is not the way others do it She said, "You can be distinct!" I don't have the time I don't have the press She said, "Who cares?" "Stop taking so much stress!" I've been doing it for so long I've found no outcome Should I just give up? " Please get this thought out of your system" I'll be the talk of the town Once everything opens up THEY'LL TALK ABOUT ME "Mhmm, yup" So..? Is this how it ends? Me spiralling down a vertigo "Just chill!" screamed that voice in my

OCD - Myths vs Facts

 There's a common misconception that if you want to meticulously arrange your things, keep your hands clean, or plan out your weekend to the last detail, you are OCD. In fact, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a critical psychiatric condition this is often misunderstood by a lot of people. In my earlier post( Check it out here! ), I spoke about how people seem to "romanticize" OCD and just proclaim having it without knowing what it really is. A lot of you texted me saying that I should do a post on quashing OCD myths so let's get to it :) Number One: A common sign of OCD is an obsession with cleanliness — which includes continuously washing your palms or excessively cleansing household items. But a cleanliness complex can also be a character trait. If it’s a personality trait, you've got got control — you could select to do it or not. If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, you’re doing it out of unrelenting debilitating anxiety. The difference needs to be

Anxious Vs Anxiety

Recently, I came across a post on Instagram which was entitled 'things you do when you have anxiety' and honestly it just irked me so much on how they had gotten the entire concept of it wrong and were spreading the wrong idea.  What the video described was ' being anxious'  and not 'anxiety'  and the entire comments section was flooded with it.  After a couple of days of really thinking it through, I knew I had to write on this because the misconception is still prevalent and NEEDS to be debunked. What is 'Being Anxious' ? You could say its another name for 'stress' or an appropriate response to a stressful situation. It doesn’t manifest often, and it’s suitable to what’s going on. People feel concerned or anxious about some thing, however it passes, and it doesn’t intervene with different areas of life. You get anxious earlier than an crucial examination or an occasion however it would not stick alongside for later; which is the case in havin


  Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. Let's admit it, we all do it, and it comes back to bite us in the worst way every time. Nevertheless, we still don't learn from it and still continue doing it :P  A lot of y'all have often asked me how I manage to juggle between school, tuition, writing a blog, taking part in extracurricular and still managing to find time to binge shows on Netflix and sleep for long; I think the answer to that is- not procrastinating.    I learnt it the hard way but trust me, its worth it once you get a hold of it.  You, yourself will realize how many activities you can perform in a day if you just stop dilly-dallying. Why do we do it? In simple words, we often assume that projects won't take as long to finish as they really will, which can lead to a false sense of security when we believe that we still have plenty of time to complete these tasks. We feel lazy or get bored while