
Showing posts from March, 2021

Social Media- A Boon or a Bane?

  Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 8 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random which alot of ya'll might relate to :) Today's post is based on a topic which I'm pretty sure every single one of us has written an essay on or debated upon in school EVERY YEAR! With the academic year coming to an end, due to the pandemic, I don't think most of us wrote an essay on it (for the millionth time) which is why I decided, why not write it on my blog to refresh 'old' memories😂 This is undoubtedly on of the most controversial topics of all time that is similarly cherished and hated relying on the polarizing behaviour. For some, it’s a must and for few, it’s a curse. We all recognise what social media is and the way over the years, with the net being the catalyst, has impacted our daily lives. I for one stand for the fact that social media is a boon; especially during these times. Technology is something that is constantly evolving; every minute somethin

Imposter Syndrome

  Heyy! Welcome back! I recently came across a post on Instagram which spoke about this topic in general and it seemed like a really interesting one and I wanted to get to know more about it. So, I read about it and it started getting more and more riveting with every word and I thought to myself, why not write more about this topic? I wrote about this topic in brief a couple of months ago in one of my posts  and got a really great response to it and had lot of people texting me saying they wanted me to write more on the "Impostor Syndrome" so without further ado, lets get to it! Impostor syndrome can be described as an internal experience of believing that you aren't as able as others perceive you to be. While this definition is generally narrowly applied to intelligence and achievement, it has connections to perfectionism and the social context. To put it simply, imposter syndrome is the experience of feeling like a phony—you sense as though at any second you're goi

Dear Diary

Heyy! Welcome back! So, about a year ago, I started having anxiety attacks because of different stressors around me. After a while when they started to get serious, a friend of mine told me that if I'm not able to talk to someone about it and if I want to keep it in my control, I should start writing them down. I should start keeping a track on the days I get them and the severity of them. I cannot describe how grateful I am to them for giving me this method to cope with it because it has worked magic. Over time, I realised that this doesn't apply just for anxiety attacks and can be put to use in any aspect of life. It doesn't always have to be stress. It can be applied when you're feeling low or feeling insecure or just want your rant your feelings out. What I followed was not a typical 'Dear Diary...' regime but something what I just felt I would just scream into someone's face. Obviously, I can't do that in real life hence choosing to write it down is

Benefits of Crying

  Heyy! Welcome back! So, a couple of months ago I wrote on  why we should normalize crying   around us because it was kind of a stigma that stuck around in the air. However, what I realised was that the reason a lot of people try "holding it in" is because they don't really know the benefits to crying.  "Why should I cry? How will it help me? It's just gonna make me weak." I've had countless encounters with people when they've said such a thing and to console them by explaining to them why it's okay to let it out, which is why, I also wanted to let y'all know about the top 5 'unknown' perks of crying. We're all pretty familiar with the fact that crying improves your mood or makes you happy but did you know it also improves your vison?  How do you feel after a hectic day when you haven’t had a chance to drink much water? Chances are you’re quite thirsty and possibly a bit dehydrated. Our bodies require water to keep us going and t