Social Media- A Boon or a Bane?


Hey everyone! Welcome back to month 8 of #faltufriday where I talk about something totally random which alot of ya'll might relate to :)

Today's post is based on a topic which I'm pretty sure every single one of us has written an essay on or debated upon in school EVERY YEAR! With the academic year coming to an end, due to the pandemic, I don't think most of us wrote an essay on it (for the millionth time) which is why I decided, why not write it on my blog to refresh 'old' memories😂

This is undoubtedly on of the most controversial topics of all time that is similarly cherished and hated relying on the polarizing behaviour. For some, it’s a must and for few, it’s a curse. We all recognise what social media is and the way over the years, with the net being the catalyst, has impacted our daily lives. I for one stand for the fact that social media is a boon; especially during these times.

Technology is something that is constantly evolving; every minute something new is coming up on the market; and from this very technology numerous applications are being developed which are helping mankind in almost every way possible.

Though social media can we misused at times, it is a boon for human civilization as it has brought the entire world together at one place wherein people can share their perspectives and opinions in the form of  healthy interactions. These are are proven to be useful for the human beings because it helps in co-development and to enhance social skills.

Take one of the most famous apps in the world such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp. Most of us wouldn't have been able to survive this pandemic if not for apps like these. To know about what's going on in the world, what's trending and what's not, thousands of recipes and lots more; apps like these have helped us remain connected with our friends, acquaintances and fans so that we feel close to them, no matter the distance. It is one of the strongest ties for humanity to grow.

As the initial motive of social media was to connect like-minded people, it comes with a beneficial opportunity to enhance skills and careers via way of means of sharing ideas, information and knowledge, that may not be physically available to a lot of us. It has been revolutionary in the paradigm of education. Teaching faculties have made social networks as an extension to classroom discussion. Google Classroom, Byjus, YouTube and Wikipedia are just a few examples on how social media can helpful in education.

People are now becoming extra innovative and modern which would have sounded crazy at the start, but in a while it turned out to be a massive brand and the folks that initiated it have emerged as millionaires and billionaires in no timeframe like Google, Facebook, Twitter. Thereby it has increased the living standard of the human beings tremendously.

In conclusion, as the era of technology is developing, the web-based social networking sites has changed into a routine for each  individual; agencies are seen dependent on this technology .Every person made invention has their personal positive and negative aspect to it. Social media, if used properly may be a boon and not a curse. It all depends upon how it is used and/or how we share information.

Okay! That was it for today! Drop your thoughts and views if you are for or against social media in the comments below. Don't forget to share and subscribe!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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