The Same Boat


Are we all sinking in the same boat? Or are we all just really really stupid?

This thought often strikes my mind in the middle of the night. The reason- I don't know. More often than not we don't see the conditions people are living through. Some people are struggling physically while the others are struggling mentally. Every person we see around us has been through something or the other in their life. Yet, majority of us aren't able to express this in the form of words to anybody.

Why do we choose to struggle in silence? Why do we choose to silently weep at night and not let our fears out? Why can't we seem to conquer that feeling and manifest it?

The feeling to not accept it and deal with it, move on, and learn from it-why can't we ever do it?

I have always been the type of person who has failed to express my thoughts, my views and feelings on a topic in the form of simple words-not in the form of poetry, not in the form of songs and not in the form of any expression. I chose to struggle alone, I chose to keep it to myself, I chose to put myself through the nonsense thoughts every night-it was all me.

Not anymore. There were days I'd just get up to the thoughts saying-not today. I'm not going to put myself through this again. I'm going to tell someone and get this burden off me-but words never came to my mouth. 

Until recently, I came across people who were so similar to me. 

The people who understood what I was going through, without me trying to elaborate for them. Who said they are there for me in ways other than words. Who proved to be real. They went through the same thing and they knew what had to be done so that others weren't to go through it. What to say and how to emotionally support that person so that they can get through it.

    That is what I encourage you to do. I encourage you to take the stand and help someone through it because you never know whom its going to help. I encourage you to take the leap and ask for help

Speak up. It will help you. 

That's what today's post on. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.  I didn't have any main problem to tackle in this post; it was actually just a 2 a.m. thought I got which I wanted to share with you guys. Don't forget to share and subscribe for more every friday :)

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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