The Queen Of Silly Mistakes :)


 Hey everyone!

Welcome back to month 15 of #faltufriday!

For today's post I thought, why not write about something that more or less DEFINES me?

If you're my pedagogue reading this, you have to agree that 90% of my papers are full of this 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

"The Queen of Silly Mistakes" is a title my mom had given me in 5th grade. 

Nearly every single paper I've written till date and not scored full in, I have lost due to the most foolish mistakes ever! One instance was when I almost scored full in a math exam, but lost it as I wrote two numbers closely and ended up copying the wrong answer in my final statement🤦‍♀️

Another time I lost marks was when I ended up writing 9 instead of 19 and when I wrote a wrong unit for 3 questions and lost 2 marks 👍😃

These are just a few! Anyone going through my papers will just be straight up appalled.

It's really embarrassing when you know the answer but end up losing it due to the absolute silliest of errors. Not to forget how nerve wrecking it gets when you get your paper back and realise that EVERYWHERE you've lost marks, you could have gained them if you paid a little more attention while revising :(

I really do hope I can overcome this habit of mine soon enough so I don't go through it while giving my boards😬 Please drop in some suggestions in the comments below which I can follow to avoid this😂

That was it for today's post! Hope y'all enjoyed it! Drop in some of the most dumb mistakes you've made in an exam in the comments below!! Don't forget to share and subscribe for content, every Friday :)

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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