
 Hey everyone!

Welcome back <3

In last week's post we discussed about a type of eating disorder known as Anorexia.

Aaj ke post mey we are going to talk about another type known as Bulimia.

This is a kind of eating disorder often glorified in several number of TV shows. 

To start off,

Bulimia is a serious psychological eating disorder in which one has episodes of consuming a large quantity of food in one sitting aka binge eating. During these binges, one loses their sense of control over their eating.

It’s binge eating followed by purging. Purging can occur through forced vomiting, excessive exercise, or by taking laxatives or diuretics, or any other such methods.

People with bulimia purge follow a binge-and-removal cycle. Purge behaviours also include other strict methods to maintain weight like fasting, exercise, or extreme dieting.

Though their isn't just one particular root cause, researchers believe this eating disorder may begin with dissatisfaction with one's body and extreme concern with their size and shape. Usually, they suffer from low self-esteem and fear becoming overweight. Research has also shown that it might be hereditary.

People with bulimia often have an unrealistic body image. They are obsessed with their weight and are intensely self-critical. Many people with bulimia are of normal weight or even overweight. This can make bulimia hard to notice and diagnose.

Regardless, like I mention in every almost every single post, 

That was it for toady's post! Hope I was able to clear out some basic facts about this critical disorder. Drop in your thoughts and recommendation's for next week's post in the comments below!

Signing off,
Kuhu :) 


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