
Showing posts from April, 2022

Caught in the Middle

 Heyy! Welcome back to month 21 of #faltufriday! Aaj ka post is basically based on my life:  The Life of an Ambivert. Most people have a basic idea of what personality traits an extrovert or introvert possesses. But more often than not, people are unaware of the idiosyncrasies of an ambivert. Truth be said, I used to be a SUPER extroverted person in my childhood, a SUPER introverted person until very recently, so trust me, I've seen the best of both worlds but ultimately found my comfort zone in a term known as 'ambivert'. My personality changes from situation to situation- much like most of my ambivert readers might relate to. A lot of people like to describe me as a chameleon because I exhibit exuberance sometimes and sound apathetic at other times and find that “air of mystique” around me. In my personal experience, the moments in which I feel the most 'ambivert-ish' is when it comes to socialising. Spending time with others can be both extremely energising as we

The M² Maze

  Hello and Welcome back!! In last week's post , I spoke about the connection of the C² foods in our lives which led me to titling this post as the 'M² Maze'. This is a post I've been meaning to write on ever since I authored a post called  Dance Movement Therapy  almost a year ago. Music and Mental Health. Are they connected? Let's learn more about in this post! To simply answer, Yes. They are highly interconnected.  Most of us are probably acquainted with the fact that music can greatly reduce stress by releasing chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin and lower the level of stress hormone cortisol. But do you also know that it can improve your cognitive performance? Do you play music in the background while studying or cleaning up? Several researches have concluded that playing music in the background can actually enable you to focus on a task better and perform it efficiently rather than distracting you. It jumpstarts your brain and helps you maintain your focu

The C² Crisis

Most of us have probably consumed these two products on a weekly basis, if not daily, in our lives. Coffee and Chewing Gum.  It's addiction is more common than you might think. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the effects it has on your physical health, right? But the lesser known fact is, the consumption of this can greatly affect your mental health as well. In today's post we'll be looking at some of the effects it has so without further ado, let's get to it! Coffee. Though research has found that caffeine can certainly help your energy levels and deal with splinting headaches, it has a terrible impact on your stress levels and sleep cycle .  It's addiction is unique. You know you are consuming it in high amounts, however, aren't able to survive the day without one, which may or may not lead to overconsumption of the same. Just a few examples are these: It produces symptoms that can easily be confused with anxiety disorders , such as panic attac

Jealously-The Ugly Emotion

  In all honesty, this post is inspired from my immense obsession of Brooklyn Nine-Nine . This idea clicked me when I was watching this episode(for the 99th time :)) Jealously-The Ugly Emotion Lets be real, we've all felt this sense of envy towards another person at some point of our lives. Be it them excelling at something or celebrating an event, there's always that small emotion in your heart that keeps you from 100% being happy for them. Now that's not always a bad thing, except when it gets frequent, it can be closely linked to your FOMO .  I'll get to the part on how to deal with this, but first let's answer the question, Why do we feel it? You fear the fact that someone might be getting better than you and to curb that you fill your minds with thoughts that 'make you feel better about yourself'. We as humans are extremely insecure about a lot of things. Be it social image or self- we constantly try to 'show' that we're some kind of person

Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health!

 Hi everyone! Welcome backk!! Today's post is one on which I've been meaning to write on for a really long time and finally got the opportunity to.    Social Media Is Bad For Your Mental Health Perhaps something which we have all heard at some time but blissfully chosen to ignore (I did too eep :p) Until recently, when I deactivated most of my social media due to my exams did I realise the harmful impacts of social media in our lives.  I cannot comprehend into words how relieved I felt those 4 weeks I was away from the media.  Most of us don't understand something until we actually go through it. The amount of FOMO and drama that it feeds you with is unimaginable.  Social Media    fuels the need to present yourself in a particular manner, follow a particular regime, and overall be this " perfect person ". It takes a terrible toll on your mental health, often leading to various repercussions. A few of which include: HORRIBLE amounts of anxiousness Cyberbullying is