Anger and Stress

 Hello everyone and welcome!

We might have observed at times when a person is stressed, they tend to get angry. 
The person being shouted at may take it negatively and take it in a bad way. Unless you understand the reason behind it, you will let that get into head which further reduces your productivity.

We've all heard of the hormone Adrenaline, right? More commonly called the 'fight or flight'. 
In a stressful situation, these trigger an emotion in your body known as anger.

Anger and Stress have a symbiotic relationship. Each of them feeds off of the other. 

This post is not going to be one where I give "tips" on overcoming it rather one which explores how this affects us, from a teenagers point of view.

Without further ado, let's get to it!

 When I was preparing for my board exams last year, like any student would say, it was a really stressful period. There were times where I would be so burdened with deadlines that sometimes I would just blast. 

Sometimes at my family or my friends, but somehow they would never mind. This got me wondering why don't they mind? 
And the answer was because they knew what I was going through. 

More often than not, we aren't able to fully comprehend or understand what the other person might be feeling. 
Why they are feeling that way. 
But, once you understand it from their pov, things seem to feel a bit more calm.

For me, it was because of tremendous amounts of stress.

It may not necessarily be just school stress, could be anything. Past experiences, recent developments and future events. Anything.

Anger and stress is a normal emotion which everyone experiences from time to time.
However, in the long run, prolonged amounts of stress can lead to worse repercussions.

Pro tip: Share what you're feeling with someone before it builds up too much. If you feel like you've reached up to your level of saturation, shout it out (alone, not at someone) or cry it out. I promise you it feels good.

Control it before it controls you.

That was it for today's post! Hope I could share some awareness on how these 2 phenomenon's are linked in our daily lives. Don't forget to share and comment for more!

Signing off,

Kuhu :) 


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