Classroom of Crazy

Welcome to the Classroom of Crazy

Let’s have a quick roll call

Everyone do your signature 

And introduce yourself to all!

Hi! I’m Andy Anxiety,

I tend to overthink a lot

Sometimes I get panic attacks,

Other times, my horse I trot.

Hello, I’m Olive OCD

Most people think I’m all about cleaning,

Some weird super power I possess?

Well it’s mostly just sleeping.

Hey, I’m Debbie Depression,

Some days..I just can’t,

I have to keep a straight face through it all,

In profession, I’m a lieutenant. 


I might be a little talkative and loud,

It started towards teenage,

Being a National level runner is something that makes me proud!

Hi, I’m Belle Bulimia

I look for comfort in my food,

As a child I got ‘bullied’ a lot

And I like dancing to Bollywood!

Hello, I’m Polly PTSD,

I’m hypervigilant and flashback prone,

People think I have zero interests

But I’m fond of painting stones!

Hie, I’m Bob Bipolar

My brain has severe mood swings,


I love my guitar and it’s strings.

Hi..I’m Sally Social Anxiety,

Uh..I get jitters to speak up,

I’m not very fond of social scenes,

But I’m a vet and have a pup..

That was an excellent introduction Everybody!

Thank you for the disclose

Let’s begin our first lecture,

Olive, Don’t doze!

Hey everyone!
Welcome back to month 32 of #faltufriday!

I've been meaning to write this poem for over 2 years and finally had the chance to.
I really hope you all enjoyed reading it.

A couple pointers about it:

  • The term 'crazy', has been used ironically as a lot of people tend to associate mental illnesses with the word.
  • The purpose of this poem was to communicate that someone with a Mental Illness is not just confined to that word. Everyone has something unique to themselves apart from suffering from an illness so we shouldn't base our impression of the person on the basis of the same.

    Please check out my other works of poetry: Here!

    Don't forget to share and comment for more content, every friday!
Signing off,
Kuhu :)


  1. one of the best and most accurate poems I have ever read!

  2. Am I the only one who read this in the shabooya roll call tune..??
    (The office…work bus ep..?)

    1. Now that you say it, I cannot read it in any other way!


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