
Showing posts from August, 2023

Wait..3 years already?

 Literally shivering in disbelief as I author this blog because OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN THREE FULL YEARS TO BLOGGING!!!! Thank you to every single person out there who's read/is reading my blogs and has supported me in this journey. I genuinely did not think 3 years would pass by so quick and blogging would become such an important - and a root to several other journalistic pursuits - activity for me. So, once again, I owe it all to you guys :) I love you. I spent an unrealistically excessive amount of time thinking about what to author for this year's 'blog-iversary' (hoping this catches on haha) but finally came to a conclusion which I hope you all enjoy :) Blast from the past? 3 years on paper doesn't seem like much. But when you break it up into 36 months, 1095 days, and 1,576,880 minutes... So much has happened in the past 3 years and it would only make sense to share some stats with you guys :) For starters, this is my 159th blog post! We built a community of


Perfectionism. An excuse for the lazy,  A problem to many. Heylo everyone and welcome back to my blog :) All truth disclosed I'm writing this blog at 2 am in the morning so you may be reading a totally non-Instagram-inspired blog/rant :) We've all heard the term ✨Perfectionism✨ But just as a general recap, in terms of Wikipedia: Perfectionism is a broad personality trait characterized by a person's concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection and is accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations.  Simply put, It's impossible to get a task done because you're constantly concerned with the fact that it isn't "Perfect". A perfectionist is very critical of themselves as well as the world around them; typically having the mindset of "all or nothing". Stemming from perhaps childhood trauma or the burden of being the 'perfect kid' (in Indian terms: Sharma ji ka Beta/Beti), the term " Alm

Instagram: Worthy vs Worth It.

 Heilo heilo, Welcome backzo! Keep reading to join a movement as part of my 3 year blog anniversary :) PC: The New York Times It is an established fact that teenagers of this age are far more concerned about their social image online as compared to real life (myself included haan) And while it's a good thing to maintain a safe web presence, over the years, it has spiralled into a far worse, unhealthy coping mechanism.   I saw this happening to both, myself as well as my peers and of course, I had to blog about it :) Without further ado, Let's get to it! I cannot be the only one who's been to an incredibly beautiful place, managed to click "a few" decent pictures and sent them to my best friend asking which one's should I post/story. Cmon, we've all done this. And there's nothing wrong in it - sab karte hai. "Is this main worthy?" This quote is the purpose of my post.  Have we really come down to a generation where we need to feel "worthy

Coping with Monday Blues

 Hello everyone and welcome back to a fresh new month <3 Being a teenager is like being stuck in a cycle. Wake up-Brush-Eat-School-Tuition-Homework-Dinner-Late night studies-Repeat. Every week, the same thing over and over and over; it never stops. I got into this cycle back in March 2020(start of 9th grade) and haven't had a 'full proper no tuitions, no padhai vacations' ever since. There's always something or the other - studying for school, boards, extracurriculars, and occasionally hanging out with friends. But I would say that pretty much sums up the lives we all lead (at least Indian students ) after 8th grade. Personally, I've felt a little blah at times. Especially when I count something week-wise (eg: "I'm going to start studying for my 30-page Organic Chemistry exam next week onwards") Some Sundays I would be like: Ah man, another week of this - the deadline comes closer. After being stuck in this loop a while, I decided,  Life can't g