Instagram: Worthy vs Worth It.

 Heilo heilo,
Welcome backzo!
Keep reading to join a movement as part of my 3 year blog anniversary :)

PC: The New York Times

It is an established fact that teenagers of this age are far more concerned about their social image online as compared to real life (myself included haan)

And while it's a good thing to maintain a safe web presence, over the years, it has spiralled into a far worse, unhealthy coping mechanism.
I saw this happening to both, myself as well as my peers and of course, I had to blog about it :)

Without further ado,
Let's get to it!

I cannot be the only one who's been to an incredibly beautiful place, managed to click "a few" decent pictures and sent them to my best friend asking which one's should I post/story.
Cmon, we've all done this.
And there's nothing wrong in it - sab karte hai.

"Is this main worthy?"

This quote is the purpose of my post. 

Have we really come down to a generation where we need to feel "worthy" by an app? By most people, we aren't even close to in real life?

We seek validation for being ourselves, applying God knows how many filters, and editing a photograph so many times that we lose the beauty of the picture altogether.
We are so bothered by what others think of us. That our nose is too small, our ears are shaped weirdly or our eyes squint when we smile. 
We're all competing against each other in a followership battle, an unrealistic social battle when in reality, not one of us has an idea what or who we are ultimately trying to become.

Here is one piece of advice/ a fact you should have straight:

Instagram is not supposed to make you feel validated.
Instagram was supposed to be a platform for you to share updates on your life. Realistic updates that connect you with friends who live afar.

It is not meant to decide whether you're "worth it" or not.

Your Mental Health is not worthy of engaging in such a nonsensical battle with unknowns on the web.

All the things in the world and this is what you're putting yourself through? Voluntarily? 
Cmon. You're better than this. 

Stop thinking about "log kya kahenge" and start being true to yourself.
If you want to upload a picture with your dog - do it! It doesn't matter if it doesn't fit into your "aesthetic" as long as it makes you happy.

Social media is a platform to express, not impress. 
And it's high time we as a young generation take it up on ourselves to change the environment.

But yes,
Remember to be safe online. You may want to express yourself more physically freely but unfortunately, we also live in a world of online trolls and creeps, so just safeguard yourself.

In conclusion,
Your brain is not worthy of being put under the stupid pressures of social media validation of being "worth it".

Let's pledge to start being more realistic on media and REDUCE the fakeness.
To all my readers with Instagram, I encourage you to post a picture or story that you've been skeptical of posting of yourself with the #Imworthy.

That was it for today's post!

Please tag me (@kuhuwu._) on Instagram if you choose to post or story :)
It would mean the world to me as it's the 'fun' activity I'm trying for my 3-YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY ON 14TH AUGUST!!!

Don't forget to share and comment for more!

Signing off,

Kuhu :)


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